Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語


ジョブズの十戒。第7条~第10条。 チームは100人きっかり。一人増えたら一人減らす。

7. Keep your secrets.   秘密主義で行け。
Nobody at Apple talks. Everything is on a need-to-know basis, with the company divided into descrete cells. The secrecy allows Jobs to generate frenzied interest for his surprise product demonstrations, and the resulting headlines ensure lines around the block.

8. Keep teams small.   チームは小さく
The original Macintosh team was 100 people; no more, no less. If a 101st person was hired, someone was ditched to make room. Jobs was convinced he could remember the first names of only 100 people.

9. Use more carrot than stick.   ムチよりアメだ。
Jobs is scary, but his charisma is his most powerful motivator. His enthusiasm was the primary reason the original Mac team worked 90-hour weeks for three years making the machine “insanely great.”

10. Prototype to the extreme.   これ以上ない試作品を作れ
Everything Jobs does is exhaustively prototyped: the hardware, the software, even Apple’s retail stores. Architects and designers spent a year building a prototype store in a secret warehouse near Apple’s headquarters, only to have Jobs scrap the project and start over.

The News Week  Sep.5,2011 "Exit the King"にのったSteve Jobsです。


