Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語


ハッピー国際キャットデイ! ニューヨークタイムズの記事。Part3

今日、8月8日は、"International Cat Day"です。

Part 1     Part 2  はこちら。


New York manages this population by neutering the cats and returning them to their original locations. In Illinois, Gov. Bruce Rauner last year signed legislation making it easier for counties to pay for trap-neuter-vaccinate-return programs for feral cats.


In Los Angeles County, where it is estimated that there are millions of stray and feral cats, some conservationists are fighting the neuter-and-release practice.

“No-kill simply moves the killing to other places,” Travis Longcore, science director at the Urban Wildlands Group, told Los Angeles Magazine last year. 

Maybe you aren’t euthanizing that feral cat, but you are guaranteeing the death of lizards and birds and contamination of waterways with Toxoplasma gondii and adverse impacts to sea lions and seals.” 

Cats not only carry diseases like rabies that can be spread to people, they have also contributed to at least 63 extinctions.

And cats are such a common sight that “we tend to forget that they don’t actually belong in our yards and parks,” Clare Nielsen, a spokeswoman for the American Bird Conservancy, said. 

“They are not part of our native wildlife, and they kill more birds than any other direct human-caused threat — more than two billion each year in the U.S.”

Gathering more data on cats will be helpful, she added: “The question is, how will the data be used? We’re hoping the effort will lead to an honest conversation about what sustainable solutions for D.C.’s homeless cats might look like.”

The debate over how best to control cat populations has been going on for a long time. Nearly a decade ago a publication from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln mentioned lethal methods as a way to manage feral cats, a suggestion that created an outcry at the time.

Washington can benefit from additional data that goes beyond what the Humane Rescue Alliance has gathered, Ms. Lipsey said.

“Up until now we’ve been basing our policies and activities fully on our data, which is very much independent of what actually might be going on out there,” she said. “We don’t know to what extent we’re reaching the cats in our community.”

これで終わりです。Thank you!



