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11 Spring Cleaning Tasks You Definitely Don't Want To Skip

Spring is the perfect season to deep clean the often-forgotten areas of your home, such as your HVAC system, gutters and windows.

Thumbtack (サムタック---なんでもやる便利屋さんです。)
Updated Fri, Apr 8, 2022 

Spring is the perfect time to get your whole home clean — and we don't just mean a quick sweep of the floors. When making your spring cleaning checklist, you'll want to consider the places you don't get to address very often, such as exterior windows and surfaces, your gutters, your heating and cooling systems and even your kitchen appliances.


Keep in mind, though, that these spring cleaning chores aren't always as simple as they seem — many require skills and time you might not necessarily have. That's why hiring a professional from Thumbtack, the home services app used by millions, will help you get the job done the right way.


Here are 11 spring cleaning tasks you definitely don't want to skip, as well as the professionals who can help you get your whole home sparkling clean.


1. Window Washing
After a winter of snowstorms and varying weather, windows may look cloudy or foggy from accumulating dirt, pollen and other contaminants. Washing windows removes the buildup that obstructs a window's clarity. It also allows them to maintain a tight seal, which avoids air leaks and keeps windows insulated.

1. 窓拭き

2. Duct And Vent Cleaning
Prepare for the summer heat by cleaning out your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems — and by replacing air conditioning filters as needed. Clogged vents and filters can restrict airflow, which causes your unit to work harder and use more energy. Keep the area surrounding your HVAC units clean by vacuuming external dust and removing debris.

2. ダクト・排気口清掃

3. Gutter Cleaning
Downspouts and gutters should remain clear of all debris, leaves and buildup that accumulate inside over time. Cleaning the gutters improves drainage on roofs and helps prevent water damage from springtime rains. It can also prevent the wood trim on the eaves of your house from rotting, which may allow bugs and other pests to make their way into your attic space.

3. 雨樋の清掃

4. Carpet Cleaning
With daily use, carpets can go from looking new and inviting to dirty and old in a short time. While carpet cleaning remains a time-consuming task, it prolongs the life of your carpet and leaves homes feeling refreshed.

4. カーペットのクリーニング

5. Attic Cleaning
Clean your attic and look for mildew, mold, leaks or water stains. These can be warning signs of a bigger problem, such as serious water damage issues or major mold growth. If possible, seal off the moisture source when found to prevent further damage.

5. 屋根裏の掃除

In addition, look for signs of invasive pests that may have found a way into the attic. Search for holes they may have used to enter your home and fill in or repair them to prevent further infestation. If you do find unwanted critters in your attic, you can call a professional exterminator to help address the issue.



空調システム     HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems  
変わりやすい天気     varying weather   (ヴェアリィング ウェザァ)
夏の暑さ        the summer heat
ピカピカ        sparkling clean   
花粉          pollen       
空気漏れ        air leaks      
雨どい         gutters       
縦樋(縦の筒になっている雨どい)   downspout   
エアコンのフィルターの取り換え  replacing air conditioning filters    
虫やその他の害虫    bugs and other pests     
屋根裏         attic  
水垢          water stains       
駆除業者        exterminator     
ダクト         duct
排気口         vent         
湿気          moisture
白カビ         mildew (ミルドゥー)    
(白カビ以外の)カビ   mold


