ニューヨーク市のエリザベス・ストリート・ガーデンの保存に関する記事を扱った時に、"Community Board 2"(コミュニティ委員会2)というものの存在を知りました。その委員会は日本でいう地域の自治会のような組織を大きくしたようなもので、市がエリザベス・ストリート・ガーデンを壊して建設しようとしている住宅のための代替地を住民の立場から提案していました。
今日取り上げるのは、不動産会社である"6sqft"のMichelle Cohen氏による記事の一部で、彼女は住居を購入してその地域に溶け込むためには、コミュニティ委員会に所属することが最善の方法だと述べています。
If you’re looking for a way to become more involved in your neighborhood and the decisions that shape New York City, the city’s community boards are a good place to start. New York City is comprised of 59 community districts across the five boroughs(行政区): 12 in Manhattan, 12 in the Bronx, 18 in Brooklyn, 14 in Queens, and 3 in Staten Island.
Formed in 1977, community boards are the city’s most local form of representative (代表制の)government. Though they’re strictly advisory(助言の立場)–they don’t have official authority to make or enforce (行使する)laws–community boards weigh in(介入する) on vital issues from zoning and landmarks to transportation and parks to education and neighborhood services.
What is a community board?
community boardsPhoto by Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation via Flickr
Each district’s community board consists of 50 unpaid members, organized in committees led by elected officers and supported by a small paid staff. Members are appointed by either the borough president or city council members. Each community board is led by a district manager who is a salaried city employee.
The main responsibility of the district manager’s office is to receive complaints from community residents, but the office also processes permits for block parties and street fairs, organizes tenant associations, and coordinates neighborhood cleanup programs.
One example of community board involvement in topics(話題) that impact the city is the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project (ESCR), a reconstruction of the 64-acre, 1.5-mile East River Park to create a flood protection system conceived in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and budgeted at $760 million. Another frequent subject is the granting of liquor licenses, which affects the neighborhood’s status as an entertainment destination and its livability(住みやすさ).
If a home or building is landmarked, or if the changes fall under(~に該当する) zoning laws, any exterior changes proposed by the owner must be approved by a community board committee. The landmarks committee of a Manhattan community board recently dismissed(却下した) the design for a proposed Harry Potter-themed(ハリーポッターをテーマとした) store and exhibit in the Flatiron District as “inappropriate(不適切).”
住宅や建物が歴史的建造物に指定されている場合、あるいは変更がゾーニング法に該当する場合、所有者が希望する外観の変更はコミュニティ委員会の承認を得なければなりません。あるマンハッタンのコミュニティ委員会の歴史的建造物委員会は最近、フラットアイアン地区に計画されているハリー・ポッターをテーマにした店舗と展示のデザインを 「適切ではない」として却下しました。