今日はニューヨーク市のホームページを見て、市が市民に"Extreme Heat"(猛暑)について、どのように伝えているのかを読みます。
Extreme Heat
Climate change will cause more frequent and intense heat waves. Extreme heat exposure is deadly and preventable.
New York City, like other dense (人口密度が高い)urban areas, is warmer than its rural and suburban surroundings. As greenhouse gas emissions cause the planet to warm, New York City will experience more frequent, longer lasting, and more intense heat waves. There could be up to 6x (6倍)as many days above 90 degrees per year by the 2080s and up to 5x as many heatwaves by the 2080s. Sustained exposure to high temperatures can harm public health, including dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat-stroke, and even death. In fact, extreme heat is the leading cause of weather-related fatalities(天気関連の死亡)across the country. In New York City, on average each year, there are approximately 370 heat-related deaths. But all heat deaths are preventable.
Impacts of Extreme Heat
While temperatures are rising citywide, heat risk varies by neighborhood. As a result of systemic racism(制度的人種差別), lack of green space, limited access to air -conditioning, and poor housing quality, heat-exacerbated (暑さで悪化した)deaths are more common in neighborhoods that are home to a greater proportion of low-income and Black New Yorkers. And regardless of where they live, some individuals are more vulnerable to high heat:
●Older residents are at most risk because they are more likely to have underlying health conditions (基礎疾患)and be socially isolated (社会的に孤立している)or limited in mobility(移動がままならない)
●New Yorkers with mental illness are more vulnerable to extreme temperatures
●New Yorkers in homeless shelters or City jails (刑務所)are also more vulnerable, given that these facilities can lack proper air conditioning
●Workers in certain sectors of the economy are particularly exposed to heat risks: construction, transportation, utilities(公益事業), and manufacturing. Many of these New Yorkers work outdoors or in facilities without adequate air conditioning and are subject to(~をこうむる) sweltering (うだるような)conditions
👩 "systemic racism"は、Wikipediaによると、次のように説明されています。
『制度的人種差別(構造的人種差別⦅英語: systemic racism⦆とも呼ばれる)は、社会または組織内の通常の慣行として組み込まれている人種差別の形態の1つである。制度的人種差別は、刑事司法(英語版)、雇用、居住空間、医療、政治権力、教育などにおける差別や、その他の問題につながる可能性がある。』