Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





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Common Yellowthroat. Photo credit: Michelle Tallich

So what is it about birds?

Both experts talk about accessibility to the animal; they are right there outside people’s windows to see or hear (some people bird by ear). And then there are the positive impacts on mental and physical health associated with getting outside in nature.

“It’s appealing. There’s something very raw (生の)about experiencing wildness in this accessible way,” Co said.

She finds that raptors (猛禽類) “capture the imagination of city dwellers (街に住んでいる人because they are so large and easy to identify. “You can watch their behavior which is breathtaking; a lot of them breed in Staten Island.”





Photo credit: NYC Bird Alliance

One of the missions of the Alliance is to share this simple joy and excitement with people all throughout the city. Co shares that many of the Alliance’s programs are free, including bird walks in all the boroughs (行政区. And there are specialty clubs too such as the Feminist Bird Club and Queer Birders.

“Our priority is engaging communities that don’t have a lot of access to greenspace which is not equally disturbed around the city,” Rivas said. “(We have) events targeted for people with disabilities or multilingual (多言語の)events; everyone can have a positive relationship with nature.”

“If you know what a bird is, you’re a birder,” Rivas added. “You don’t need expensive equipment. Over the years the culture has shifted. It’s not stuffy (堅苦しい) and elitist (エリート主義); it’s welcoming and open.”






