Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語









Is a Disney Theme Park Vacation Still Worth the Price?

As Disney has raised the cost of tickets and hotel rooms at its theme parks, and added pricey, difficult-to-navigate tools(使いにくいナビゲーションツール), even its most loyal fans are asking themselves if they should rethink their vacations.

By Tariro Mzezewa
Aug. 12, 2024



👩トロント在住の映画製作者でコンテンツクリエーターのウィリアムズさん(a filmmaker and content creator)は次のような体験をしたそうです。

Guests must now take a shuttle that costs between $23 and $30 per adult each way, depending on the time of year, use a ride share service or rent a car.

Mr. Williams said that a day in the Orlando parks and a one-night stay at Disney’s Port Orleans Riverside Resort cost a “jaw-dropping” $886.34 for two adults. He decided to calculate how much the same trip cost in 2017. The cost: $567.90. Even accounting for (考慮する)inflation, he was stunned (驚愕した).


ウィリアムさんが言うには、テーマパークで1日を過ごし、ディズニー・ポート・オーリンズ・リバーサイド・リゾートに1泊すると、大人2人で「あごが落ちるほど驚きの」886.34ドルかかったそうです。 彼は、2017年に同じ旅行をするとどのくらいかかるかを計算してみることにしました。費用は567.90ドルでした。 インフレを考慮しても、その値上がり幅に彼は唖然としました。

👩次は、ディズニー旅行の計画をサポートするウェブサイト「Touring Plans」の社長であり、ディズニーランドのガイドブックも書いているレン・テスタ氏の感想です。

“At some point a Disney vacation starts competing with ‘Let’s go see Europe’ and I think that’s what a lot of people are doing,” Mr. Testa said. “I’ve had a number of people in the last few years say, ‘We priced (料金を計算した)it out and we could take our children to eat pizza in the Italy pavilion (イタリア館)in Epcot or for the same money we could actually go to Italy for two weeks. We’re going to go to Italy for two weeks.’”

The data they’ve collected in recent years shows that the cost of a Disney World trip, on average, has gone up almost 25 percent since 2019. Seventy percent of that increase is for services that used to be free.




The prices of parking and entry tickets have consistently risen in recent years. In 2022 ticket prices went up two times. In 2023 annual passes saw a $30 to $50 increase, depending on the tier (段階), while multiday tickets (複数日券)also went up. A one-day ticket to either of Disney’s U.S. parks now costs $109 for anyone over the age of 10.

One analysis concluded that between 2014 and 2025, the base price for tickets has gone up 32 percent and increased by 90 percent for the highest-priced tickets. In 2025 the base price for an adult one-day ticket will be $119 and the higher tickets will be $199. Hotel prices have also risen. The cheapest hotels at Disney World now cost an average of $187 per night, according to Disney Magic Guides, a resource for planning trips to the parks.

In an earnings call (収益報告の電話会議)this week, Disney’s leaders (上層部) acknowledged that they’ve seen a slowdown at the parks and that, because of the economy, lower-income visitors are financially stressed, while higher-income guests are traveling internationally. And Disney is not alone: Tickets for Universal Studios in Florida and in California often cost as much as Disney tickets. In July, Comcast said Universal’s revenue fell by 11 percent in the prior quarter, with visitors turning to cruises and international travel.



今週の収益報告の電話会議で、ディズニーの経営陣は、テーマパークの来園者数が減少していること、また景気低迷により低所得層の来園者は経済的に苦しく、高所得層の来園者は海外旅行に出かけていることを認めました。 ディズニーだけではありません。フロリダとカリフォルニアのユニバーサル・スタジオのチケットは、ディズニーのチケットと同等の価格であることがよくあります。 7月、(メディア関連の複合企業大手である)コムキャストは、ユニバーサルの前四半期の収益が11%減少したと発表しました。来園者はクルーズや海外旅行に流れているとのことです。



