110年前、ニューヨークでは 女性参政権を応援する男性同盟があった!
How the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage helped win voting rights in New York
By Lucie Levine
Members of the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage March in a 1915 Suffrage Parade, via the Carrie Chapman Catt Papers at Bryn Mawr College
James Lees Laidlaw, the president of the National Chapter of the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage,(女性参政権のための男性同盟全国支部) wrote in 1912, “The great educational work in the woman’s movement has been done by women, through a vast (多大な)expenditure(消費) of energy and against great odds(ハンディ). There is still work to be done and hard work. We men can make it easier and happier work if we join in it, and no longer stand aside, as too many men have done, leaving the women to toil(苦労して働く) and struggle, making up (補う)in vital energy what they lack in political power.”
1912年、ジェームズ・リー・レイドロー(James Lees Laidlaw)は、女性参政権のための男性同盟全国支部の会長として、次のように書きました。「女性運動における偉大な教育活動は、多大なエネルギーを費やし、大きなハンディに立ち向かいながら、女性たちによって行われてきました。まだやらなければならないことがあり、大変な仕事が残っています。私たち男性が参加すれば、その仕事をより容易で喜ばしいものにすることができます。そして、あまりにも多くの男性が、女性に苦労や苦闘を押し付け、政治的に欠けている力をバイタリティで補わせ、傍観しているようなことは、もうやめるべきです。
Thanks to an ongoing great expenditure (費やすこと) of energy, American men and women will vote tomorrow. In our own time, there is still work to be done, and hard work, in the fight for equality, justice and universal dignity. The history of the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage, founded (創設された)in New York in 1909, offers the reminder that we all can make it easier and happier work if we join in it, and provides a stirring (勇気づけられる)example of how anybody might offer organized, meaningful support to a vital cause.
International Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage Meeting, Budapest, 1913, via NYPL
In the winter of 1909, the editor of the New York Evening Post, the President of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Head of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the President of the National City Bank of New York, the founders of the New School, the guiding light of the Free Synagogue Movement, and members of the boards of General Electric and Standard and Poor’s all met at the New York City Club for one purpose: to support women.
These men were founding members of the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage, a group of New York’s leading citizens who became passionate foot soldiers (歩兵)in the fight for political equality. The titans(大物)-turned-allies worked under the direction of the movement’s female leaders to support the “Great Demand” of Women’s Suffrage in the press, in the pulpit (説教壇)and in the halls of power.
これらの男性は、女性の参政権を求める男性同盟の創設メンバーであり、政治的平等のための戦いに情熱を傾けたニューヨークの有力市民のグループでした。 権力者から味方へと変わった彼らは、運動の女性リーダーの指揮の下、女性の参政権を求める「大それた要求」を、新聞、説教壇、権力者の集まりで主張し、支援ししました。
Individually, men had always been part of the women’s movement. For example, in 1869, Henry Ward Beecher, who headed the Plymouth Church in Brooklyn Heights, was unanimously (満場一致で)elected as the first president of the American Woman Suffrage Association.
James Lees Laidlaw, ca. 1911 via the Library of Congress
But the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage was something new: Its members sought not to lead the women’s movement, but to work within it. Describing how suffrage was won, and what role men had played, Laidlaw said, “The women did it. But not by any heroic action, but by hard, steady grinding (研磨)and good organization.” He added: “We men too have learned something, we who were auxiliaries(援護者) to the great women’s suffrage party. We have learned to be auxiliaries.”
The Men’s League began to organize as an auxiliary to the Suffrage Movement in 1908, when Reverend Doctor Anna Howard Shaw, President of the National American Women’s Suffrage Association, invited Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of the New York Evening Post, to a suffrage convention in Buffalo. Villard didn’t have time to prepare remarks for the event, but he was willing to do something even better: form a group of prominent New Yorkers whose names would drum up (大々的に募集する)support for the cause.
Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage, Miller Scrapbook, 1910-1911, via the Library of Congress