昨日に引き続き、アメリカンジャーナリズムから助成を受けている、ローカルニュースメディアの"The City"を読んでいます。ニューヨーク市の「サンクチュアリ(聖域)法」についてです。これは、主に移民に関するものです。
Global Career Guideのデータでは、合衆国以外で生まれた人の割合は、2022年時点で全人口の14%ということです。
👩「不法移民」の英語表現を"illegal immigrants"とすると「違法移民」のニュアンスが強いですね。"The City"は、"undocumented immigrants"となっています。「未登録の移民」や「許可証がない移民」という意味の表現です。ちなみに、「不法」という言葉は、民法で細かく定義されており、「不法行為」とは、故意または過失によって他人の権利や利益を侵害するということのようです。(”dマネー”を参照しています。)
👩文中の"ICE"は、"Immigration and Customs Enforcement"(移民税関捜査局)の略です。
原文は、ニューヨーク市の非営利ローカルのサイト、"The City"からです。
Does the state of New York have any added protections for undocumented immigrants?
On the state level, the governor and state legislature (立法機関)would be responsible for enacting stronger protections. In 2020, then-governor Andrew Cuomo spearheaded (先導した)the passing of legislation and an executive order to prohibit ICE from arresting immigrants at courthouses and other state government facilities.
Since then, advocates have tried to pass more legislation to no avail (効力): The New York for All Act was introduced in 2020, and would prevent all local law enforcement agencies in the state from working with ICE. New Jersey, Washington, and California already have similar state-wide protections. Legislators(議員) have also proposed significant bills around surveillance (監視)and privacy and bills that would prohibit government agencies from participating in immigrant detention (拘留), both of which would make it harder for ICE to identify and deport(強制送還) immigrants.
However, none of these bills have passed. Even though lawmakers have reintroduced the New York for All Act in every legislative session, it has never made it out of committee. As reported by NY Focus, the bill’s sponsors believe that this is due to New Yorkers’ misconceptions about immigrants and crime.
しかし、これらの法案はいずれも可決されていません。議員たちは「全ての人のためのニューヨーク法」をすべての立法会期で再提出してきましたが、委員会を通過したことは一度もありません。NY フォーカスが報じたところによると、この法案の提案者は、その原因はニューヨーカーの移民と犯罪に関する誤解にあると考えています。
Can ICE still make arrests in New York City?
Yes. ICE can arrest anyone who is not a U.S. citizen, explained criminal defense attorney Robert Osuna, who has extensive experience with clients in immigration proceedings(手続き).
“ICE can arrest anybody they believe is not a United States citizen. It is an extraordinary, extraordinary authority they have,” he said.
Last year, for example, ICE arrested 9,229 people in New York City mostly with no criminal violations beyond their immigration status, according to federal data. Of those arrests, 729 of them were of someone who had a pending (保留中)criminal charge (刑事告発)or who had been convicted (以前有罪となった). In addition, ICE deported (強制送還した)439 people from New York City last fiscal year.
While ICE can enact arrests on its own accord (独自に)within the five boroughs, it has to do so largely independently from the NYPD and the Corrections Department. Before the 2014 sanctuary protections, ICE could request an immigrant be held by the NYPD and the DOC and those agencies could comply(応じる). But since then, the person has to have been convicted of a “violent or serious crime,” and ICE needs a judicial warrant(裁判所の令状), among other carve outs (切り出し) .
In practice, city officials now rarely detain people at the behest (依頼)of ICE, though it does occasionally occur. In one notable case a man arrested for jaywalking in 2019 was mistakenly handed over to ICE and nearly deported for it.
Last fiscal year the Department of Corrections received 201 ICE detainer requests and honored (引き受ける)10 of them, according to an annual report. In the previous fiscal year, the NYPD got 109 ICE detainer requests and didn’t honor a single one.
ICE officials in New York have said getting a judicial warrant is difficult in the “overburdened federal courts,” and that they rely on media reports in order to nab (逮捕する)the most serious offenders. Kenneth Genalo, the director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement lamented (嘆いた), at a Feb. 5 press conference, that the sanctuary city laws mean instead of taking custody (拘束)of someone already being held by the NYPD or the DOC, “we now have to go out into the community and the streets where unfortunately the criminals have the upper hand(優勢である).”
👩ニューヨーク市が舞台になっている、犯罪ドラマではよく不法移民が逮捕される場面が出てきます。『アグリー・ベティ』(Ugry Betty)では、真面目に働いていたベティのお父さんが、移民として登録されていなかったため強制送還になったというエピソードがあったと思います。