★ 「聖域政策」はどういうものかを説明できるようにし、これに対するニューヨークの考えを知る
Do sanctuary protections mean the NYPD don’t arrest or charge certain immigrants charged with crimes?
No. In New York City, they get processed the way any other person would regardless of their immigration status.
“Sanctuary policies have no bearing at all on (~と全く関係がない)how crime is prosecuted(起訴される),” City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams said at a press conference in February. “They don’t conceal or shelter people from detection, nor do they shield people from deportation or prosecution for criminal activities.”
Regardless of (~にかかわらず)how a local criminal case plays out (展開する), if the person charged is out in the community on bail (保釈させる)or bond (保釈中である)while the proceeding (手続き)is ongoing, ICE could move to detain (拘留する)the person at any time.
What do critics of the sanctuary policies want to change?
President-elect Trump was a vocal(声高に主張する) critic of sanctuary cities in his last term, and was eventually successful in his attempt to block them from receiving federal funding — though a long legal process delayed his policies until early 2020, and President Biden rolled them back upon taking office.
This time around, Trump has targeted sanctuary cities in his campaign speeches, and has asked Congress to “outlaw” them. There are multiple bills already proposed that would withhold(保留する) federal funding for sanctuary cities, including Rep. Nick Lalota’s (R-NY) No Bailout (救済措置)for Sanctuary Cities Act, which passed in the House this September.
In New York, state electeds have also expressed their dissatisfaction with sanctuary city policies.
For now at least, the Council seems unlikely to consider walking the protections back. Speaker Adams offered a strident (強硬な)defense of the city’s sanctuary policies earlier this year.
少なくとも現時点では、議会が保護措置の縮小を検討する可能性は低いようです。エイドリアン・E・アダムズ(Adrienne Eadie Adams)議長は今年初め、市の保護政策を強く擁護しました。
“These policies foster(育む) trust and cooperation between immigrant communities and local authorities which is critical to public safety,” she said. “Those opportunistically(日和見的に) exploiting (不当に使う)an incident that we should all be united in denouncing, (非難する)to attack public safety policies, are advocating for (~を主導している)policies that would make our city less safe.”