New Yorkには、様々なローカルニュースを伝えるウェブがあります。
New York チェルシー地区にある、児童養護施設「ファウンドリング」の活動を"Youth Today"が特集したと、地元情報誌の"this is the Bronx.info"が次のように伝えていました。
"this is the Bronx.info"のマークです。
Launched on May 17, 2017, thisistheBronX.info is the’everything Bronx’ web portal designed for residents of the Bronx and anyone who has interest in the Bronx.This one-stop place for everything Bronx is being pioneered by TV personality, Gary Axelbank. On this interactive site visitors can upload events to appear on the events calendar, post their favorite Bronx photos, pictures of their latest artwork, and get their favorite business, group, or organization a free listing by sending an email to info@thisisthebronx.info.
thisisthebronX also serves as an outlet to Bronx businesses by giving light to large and small businesses to provide a level of exposure that has never been available before.
"thisisthe bronX"は、ブロンクスの大小様々なビジネスに光を当て、皆様にお伝えする拠点としての役目も果たしており、今まで手に入らなかったような情報までレポートしています。
NY Foundling Success at Educating South Bronx Children
Youth Today provides a detailed chronicle of the New York Foundling organization that focuses on education and its decade of work with the Mott Haven Academy Charter School that ultimately became a successful endeavor.
Their goal was to create a learning environment to give Bronx youngsters who deal with significant challenges an opportunity to achieve despite those debilitating issues.
「ユーストゥデイ( https://youthtoday.org/)」は、教育に力を入れているニューヨークファウンドリングの詳細な活動記録と、マットヘイヴン私立アカデミー(https://havenacademy.org/)と協力して成果を上げた10年間の活動を伝えました。
The experiment did have a few bumps in the road, in particular the overwhelming affects of poverty, but by giving the children the opportunity to express themselves and a specific plan in place that is fully explained in the article, they were able to get a full understanding of what works for those children and how to address their issues so they can achieve.
"thisistheBronX.info"が伝えたのはこれだけですが、これから、この記事の元になった"Youth Today"のレポートを読みます。
"Youth Today"というメディア自体も、どんなメディアなのか気になります。
こちらです。→TheHours | Opinion | 時事問題|ニューヨーク | 英語学習
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