Commission Releases Groundbreaking Legal Guidance
The launch of this campaign comes on the heels of the release of the Commission’s groundbreaking legal guidance on race discrimination and hair in employment and public accommodations, which identifies discrimination based on natural hair and hairstyles most commonly associated with Black people as racial discrimination. The release of the guidance in February 2019 resulted in national and international public and media attention, and resulted in other jurisdictions developing their own guidance.
What To Do If You're Discriminated Against
Due in part to its long-history, anti-Black racism often hides in plain sight and goes unrecognized, particularly by those for whom it is not part of everyday lived experience. Widespread discomfort around acknowledging anti-Black racism also allows it to persist. Hence, the Commission wants to call it out with this Citywide campaign.
The NYC Human Rights Law has one of strongest protections against harassment and discrimination based on race and color in the nation. The Commission received 584 race-based complaints in Fiscal Year 2018 and saw an overall 20% increase in complaints since 2016.
If you have experienced discrimination, we can help. Contact the NYC Commission on Human Rights at 718-722-3131 or use this online form to report your case. Whether in employment, housing, or places of public accommodations, if you have faced discrimination because of who you are, let us know about it. You can even do it anonymously and we never ask about your immigration status.
Scenarios to Help You Identify Discrimination
A landlord tells a prospective Black tenant that he or she cannot be added to the lease, but allows other white people to be added to theirs.
A student is called racial slurs at school, but school leadership refuses to take action.
A manager of a restaurant tells black patrons to pay for their order ahead of time, but does not treat non-Black patrons as such.
さらに、The Community Relations Bureau (CRB)---コミュニティー・リレーションズ・ビュローという団体があります。
The Community Relations Bureau (CRB) educates those who work and live in New York City on the City Human Rights Law, and actively combats discrimination by fostering dialogue and engagement between communities. As part of this mission, we carry out a variety of initiatives across the City.