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The NYC Bodega: A History of Violence and Resilience - Untapped New York

The case of Jose Alba

On July 1, 2022, at Bluemoon Convenient Store on West 139th Street and Broadway, employee Jose Alba was working the night shift. Alba, a 61-year-old Dominican national and Washington Heights resident, was violently accosted by the boyfriend of a woman whose card had been declined by the bodega’s machines.


The boyfriend, Austin Simon, physically threatened Alba, pushing him behind the counter. In the video, Alba tries to leave from behind the counter, but as he does, Simon motions towards Alba’s neck. Alba had grabbed a box-cutting knife stashed behind the bodega counter and stabbed Simon several times while Simon’s girlfriend stabbed Alba in the arm. The entire event was captured by surveillance cameras. 


Simon died as a result of the altercation, and Alba was arrested and charged with second-degree murder.


Simon’s ex-wife maintains that his death was an “overkill,” especially as he left nine children behind. The altercation, she emphasizes, happened over a bag of chips and a declined credit card. He was also unarmed. 


Simon’s cousin, Candra Simon, told the Daily News that Simon did not deserve to die the way he did and that preexisting conflict between the Dominican and Black communities in Harlem was partly to blame for the outcome of the altercation. 


Bodega workers, his cousin claimed, sometimes disrespect members of the communities they work in. Still, the highly publicized video of the incident portrays a scenario that supporters of Alba identify as self-defense.


Political leaders and community members alike have been quick to organize in defense of Alba, who is a father of three. Mayor Eric Adams issued a statement in support of Alba on WABC radio. In the same interview, Mayor Adams identified Austin Simon as the primary aggressor. Adams said Alba was “an innocent, hardworking New Yorker.” 

政治家や地域住民は、3児の父であるアルバを擁護するために、いち早く組織的な行動を起こしました。エリック・アダムス市長は、WABCラジオでアルバを支持する声明を発表しました。同じインタビューの中で、アダムズ市長はオースティン・サイモンが最初に手を出したとし、アルバは 「無実で勤勉なニューヨーカー 」だと述べました。

In response to the altercation, Congressman Adriano Espaillat issued a statement emphasizing the importance of protecting “essential workers who were on the frontline of the global pandemic.”


At a press conference at City Hall on the issue, the community demanded that the charges against Alba be dropped and cautioned that charging Alba with murder would only make way for future violence against New York’s bodega owners and employees. Cries for justicia rang through the crowd of angry congregants.


Reverend Ruben Diaz, former New York State Senator for South Bronx and former City Councilman, began the press conference with a prayer for the life that was lost, Austin Simon’s. 


The reverend told Untapped New York that he had never seen anything like what happened to Jose Alba. He was saddened by the loss of Austin Simon’s life, but still, he calls for Jose Alba’s freedom. “I pray to God and I am sorry… But, [accusing Jose Alba] of second-degree murder when the video showed it was self-defense is an injustice,” he said.


“Bodegas have been attacked for years,” Assemblymember Yudelka Tapia of New York’s 86th Assembly District told Untapped New York in an interview. She identified the root causes of violence in bodegas as a combination of bodegas being the places where people go when they are desperate, as well as the lack of security and protection within the stores themselves.


 “They don’t have money to pay for the protection of the business,” she said. Desperation, she indicated, can give way to violence, and bodegueros are not equipped to handle it.


Tapia thinks Alba acted in self-defense but disclaims that she is not a lawyer. “He’s a husband who has a family to protect and that’s why I am here,” Tapia said. Supporters of Alba are calling for District Attorney Alvin Bragg to drop the charges against Alba. The DA’s Office did not respond to Untapped New York’s request for comment in time for publication.


The mutual understanding of the dangers endured by all bodegueros compelled Marte to bail Jose Alba out of Rikers Island for $50,000 with his own money. When Untapped New York visited Bluemoon Convenient Store days after the attack, the man working the day shift could not say he felt safe or unsafe behind his counter. 


“We’re brave,” Marte said, nodding to the man. Moments before, a man had walked in asking for store credit to buy cigarettes. The man behind the counter said no, but the customer was insistent. After several increasingly desperate exchanges, the customer left.



New images show NYC bodega worker Jose Alba's injuries from stabbing

Rally held for bodega worker charged in fatal stabbing



