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New York Today

Happy the Elephant Doesn’t Have Human Rights, Court Finds

Animal advocates had argued that the longtime resident of the Bronx Zoo was imprisoned.

By James Barron
June 15, 2022

It is one of the most fundamental principles in Western law: habeas corpus. New York State’s highest court says it does not apply to Happy the Elephant.


The court, in a 5-to-2 vote, turned down an animal-advocacy organization’s request that Happy be “recognized as a legal person” and released from “unlawful imprisonment” at the Bronx Zoo, where she has lived since 1977.


Habeas corpus — a safeguard against unlawful imprisonment — is a procedural vehicle “intended to protect the liberty right of human beings,” Janet DiFiore, the chief judge, wrote, putting the last two words in italics. While she said habeas corpus was “flexible,” extending it to Happy “would far exceed its bounds.” She said it had “no applicability” to “a nonhuman animal who is not a ‘person’ subjected to illegal detention.”

ジャネット・デフィオーレ裁判長は、「人身保護法は「human beings(人間)の自由権を保護するための手続きである」と書き、最後の2語(human beings)を斜体で示しました。彼女は、人身保護法は「柔軟」であるとしながらも、それをハッピーに拡大することは「その限界をはるかに超えることだろう」と述べました。彼女は、「違法な拘束を受けている "人 "ではない動物」には、「適用できない」と述べました。

Judge Rowan Wilson, one of the two dissenters in the case involving Happy the Elephant, said the court should grant habeas corpus for Happy “not just because she is a wild animal who is not meant to be caged and displayed, but because the rights we confer on others define who we are as a society.”


My colleague Ed Shanahan writes that the ruling ended what appeared to be the first case of its kind to reach so high a court in the United States. And it probably won’t quiet the debate over whether intelligent animals should be viewed as something other than things or property.


Happy’s case was pleaded by the Nonhuman Rights Group, which wanted her moved to an elephant sanctuary that it said would be a more natural setting and would improve her quality of life. “She’s a depressed, screwed-up elephant,” Stephen Wise, the group’s founder, said before the decision was issued.


The Wildlife Conservation Society, which runs the zoo, said before the ruling that Happy was “well cared for by professionals with decades of experience and with whom she is strongly bonded,” adding that the case amounted to “blatant exploitation.”

動物園を運営する野生生物保護協会は、判決の前に、ハッピーは「何十年もの経験を持つ専門家によってよく世話され、強い絆で結ばれている。」と述べ、今回の件は結局 「あからさまな宣伝 」だと付け加えました。

Stephen Gillers, a professor at the New York University School of Law, said the decision was correct.


“I think animals in captivity need protection, and maybe the statutory laws should be strengthened to be sure that they’re well protected,” he told me. “The seals in the Central Park Zoo look pretty smart to me. They know when the food is coming. For every species, you could gather up proof of a level of intelligence that warrants legal protection through the courts.”

「飼育されている動物には保護が必要だと思うし、彼らがしっかり保護されるように法体系を強化すべきでしょう 」、「私はセントラルパーク動物園のアザラシは賢いように思います。餌がいつもらえるか知っているのです。すべての動物について、裁判を通じて法的保護を受けるに足る知能レベルをもっているという証拠をそろえることはできるでしょう。」と彼は私に言いました。

“This,” he said, “is too nuanced for judicial rule-making.”


But Laurence Tribe, a Harvard Law School legal scholar, who filed a brief in support of Happy’s case, called the court’s decision “disappointing but not surprising.”

しかし、ハッピーのケースを支持する準備書面を提出したハーバード・ロースクールの法律学者ローレンス・トライブは、裁判所の決定を 「残念ではあるが、驚くべきことではありません 。」と述べました。

“I regret what this means for Happy the Elephant,” he told me. “It’s an instance of judicial blindness for the court to say that because we have not recognized the rights of sentient and social animals like elephants, we can’t extend habeas corpus to them.”




