Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




"Ozawa v. the United States (1922) set a precedent that Asian immigrants could not be naturalized due to the fact they were not perceived as white."

この"Ozawa v. the United States"について"Immigration History"からの概要を引用します。

Ozawa v. United States (1922) - Immigration History

The hardening of U.S. isolationism and nativism set the stage for the Supreme Court to affirm the 1790 Nationality Act’s prohibition against naturalization for Asians because they were considered racially not “white” regardless of their demonstrated acculturation and integration. Takao Ozawa was a graduate of a U.S. college living and working in Hawaii with his family. While he was otherwise qualified for naturalization and citizenship, his application for citizenship was rejected on the basis of his race. The next year in the case of Thind v. United States, the Supreme Court would contradict itself in applying a different standard of race in another case regarding Asian American citizenship.

アメリカ合衆国の孤立主義、移民排斥主義が強まり、最高裁の判決はアジア人の帰化を禁じた1790年の国籍法を支持するものになった。彼らがどんなに文化的に適応していて、溶け込んでいるとアピールしても、人種的に「白人」ではないと見なされたからである。 小澤隆生氏は、米国の大学を卒業し、家族とともにハワイに住んで働いていた。帰化や市民権取得の資格はあったが、人種を理由に市民権取得の申請が却下された。翌年、シンド対合衆国の裁判では、最高裁はアジア系アメリカ人の市民権に関する別のケースで、人種についての異なる基準を適用し、矛盾を呈することとなった。


ここで、今度は、"Thind v. United States"(シンド vs アメリカ合衆国)についての裁判について調べました。
出典は上と同じ"Immigration History"です。

Contradicting the logic behind its ruling in Ozawa v. U.S., the Supreme Court found that Bhagat Singh Thind was also ineligible for citizenship even though as an Asian Indian, he would have been categorized as Aryan or caucasian, according to the prevailing racial science of the time. Although Thind was racially white, the Supreme Court found that he would not be considered “white” in the eyes of the “common man,” despite scientific race categories, and was therefore also ineligible for citizenship. The Thind decision led to the denaturalization of about fifty Asian Indian Americans who had earlier successfully applied for and received U.S. citizenship.





