Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



今日は、Big Apple Secretsというサイトにあった、ひとつの彫刻のことを取り上げます。

"Double Check"というタイトルの作品です。


Double Check, the only piece of art to survive 9-11

Double Check is the life-size bronze of a businessman sitting on a bench as he sifts through his briefcase, seeming to make final preparations for an upcoming business meeting in a nearby office building. The sculpture was made in 1982 by John Seward Johnson II, an American artist known for his trompe l’oeil painted bronze statues. Johnson founded in 1992 Grounds For Sculpture, a park in New Jersey to display work completed at the Johnson Atelier and other outdoor exhibitions.

『ダブルチェック』は、ベンチに腰掛けたビジネスマンが、近くのオフィスビルで行われるビジネスミーティングの準備の最終確認をするために、自分のカバンを確かめているように見える等身大のブロンズ像です。 この彫刻は、だまし絵のブロンズ像で知られるアメリカのアーティスト、ジョン・スワード・ジョンソン2世によって1982年に制作されました。 ジョンソン氏は1992年にニュージャージー州に『グラウンズ・フォア・スカルプチャー』という公園を創り、ジョンソンアトリエで完成した作品などを展示しています。

(John Seward Johnson II 画像はこちらより。)

(Grounds For Sculpture 画像はこちらより。)

Shortly after Double Check was completed, the work was installed in Liberty Plaza Park, now Zuccotti Park , in lower Manhattan. The park was created in 1968 by Pittsburgh-based United States Steel and named Liberty Plaza Park because it was situated beside One Liberty Plaza building. The park was one of the few open spaces with tables and seats in the Financial District, its northwest corner is across the street from Four World Trade Center.

『ダブルチェック』が完成した直後、作品はマンハッタン南部のリバティ・プラザ・パーク(現ズコッティ・パーク )に設置されました。 この公園は、1968年にピッツバーグに本社を置くユナイテッド・ステーツ・スチールによって作られ、ワン・リバティ・プラザ・ビルの横にあったことからリバティ・プラザ・パークと名づけられました。この公園は、金融街では数少ないテーブルと腰掛けのあるオープンスペースでした。北西の角はフォーワールドトレードセンターの向かいです。

Double Check became a fixture in the downtown landscape and, for nearly twenty years, was symbol in honor of the thousands of people who worked every day in New York City’s financial district.


The park was heavily damaged in the September 11 attacks and was covered with debris. Some $100 million worth of art, including works by Calder, Miró and Nevelson were damaged or destroyed on Sept. 11. ''Double Check,'' was the only piece to survive intact. The sculpture was so vivid that, while it was covered in white dust in the aftermath, firemen tried to save him.

9月11日の同時多発テロで公園は大きな被害を受け、瓦礫で埋め尽くされました。 カルダー、ミロ、ネヴェルソンなどの作品を含む約1億ドル相当の美術品が、9月11日に損傷または破壊されたのです。『 ダブル・チェック』は、無傷で生き残った唯一の作品だったのです。消防士たちは、惨事の直後、その彫刻が白い粉をかぶっても生きているように見え、彼を助けようとしたのです。

Later, ''Double Check'' became a makeshift memorial -it was decorated with candles, flowers, teddy bears, rescue company emblems and crosses by passers-by. People covered the statue with flyers printed with the names of the dead and missing.


New York Times wrote in 2004 about Double Check in the aftermath of the catastrophe.


"With everything in ruins, one figure remained in Liberty Plaza across the street from the World Trade Center. He was sitting hunched over staring in his briefcase, a businessman who seemed to be in shock and despair. Rescue workers it was reported, approached him in the chaos to offer assistance, only to discover that he was not a man at all, but a sculpture. Afterward, this sculpture became an icon, as newspaper and magazine photos showed it covered erect in ash and, later, by flowers, notes, and candles left there by mourners and rescue workers.


The statue itself, dented and damaged by the falling masonry, was temporarily removed to the artist’s studio, where it was refurbished by Johnson. But the damage caused by the Twin Towers collapse he left, as a memorial.


In 2006, the original sculpture was returned to its original location.  The statue bears all the scratches it sustained on that day.

2006年、オリジナルの彫刻は元の場所に戻されました。 あの日のに受けたはそのまま残っています。

In July 2018, Double Check was relocated to the northwest corner of Broadway and Liberty




