Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語






8 People Sitting on Benches, Talking About Recession

By Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg
Aug. 12, 2022

INFLATION got better last month but is still near a 40-year high. The job market is hot. And official data is sending conflicting signals about whether we're in a RECESSION. It's hard to know how to think about the economy right now.


During a recent weekday lunch hour in Madison Square Park in Manhattan, we spoke with eight people --- half of whom are experiencing their first economic downturn as working-age adults, and half of whom have gone through this before- about this weird moment.



”It's possible that we're heading in the direction of a recession. For someone my age, it's a good point to start investing. I look at it as a positive. But I have noticed my Chipotle bowl has gone up a lot in price --- by about $5. Now I only get it once a week or every other week." ---
Benjamin Wishinskey, 19, college student

「不況 の方向へ向かっているという可能性もありますね。私のような年齢では、投資を始めるには良いタイミングだと思います。私はそれをポジティブにとらえています。それにしても、(メキシコ料理のレストランの)チポトレのボウルメニューがずいぶん値上がりしたな。5ドルくらい。今は週に1回か隔週にしか食べられないよ。」 ---


"I live on Social Security, and it doesn't allow for a recession. I think the government could provide more affordable housing. I live with someone because I can't afford an apartment. When they say they're building affordable housing, $2,000 a month is not affordable housing!" ---Katara Meloy, 71 retired


"I don't know what defines a recession. But I think wages are not appropriate for the inflation that is happening. My rent went up $600, and my salary didn't increase. And I think student loan payments are coming back. Every day I think, 'Is that in my budget?'"
---Esha Chebola, 28, resident physician


"I'm not expecting a recession imminently. But inflation is a real concern. I was talking to several friends, and we expect the Social Security Administration to come through for us at the end of the year --- that's when you get your figures for next year."
--- John Reilly, 79, retired



"People keep telling me we're in a recession. I didn't grow up in a household that discussed the economy --- my parents are from Jamaica and they didn't discuss things like that. So when people talk about recession, it kind of goes in one ear and out the other." --- Allius Barnes, 23, actor


When I talk to my friends, they are looking for part-time work, trying to save money and going out less. Because of the recession , I found a second job. It's partly to distract my mind. I work in a gelato store on the weekends." --- Luy Camilo, 54, behavioral coach and retail associate

友人と話すと、アルバイトを探し、一生懸命節約して、外出を控えているようです。不景気なので、私も副業を見つけました。気晴らしも兼ねてね。週末はジェラート屋さんで働いています」。--- リュイ・カミロ、54歳、ビハーラコーチ、小売店員

"I just graduated in May. I'm a Covid baby. I feel like I didn't really finish with college because I spent so little time on campus, Now I'm supposed to get a 9 - to - 5 job. But everyone's trying to find a job - even people who graduated in 2020! That's what Covid has done to my chances of finding a job." --- Gabrielle Kuker, 22, part-time media engagement manager

5月に卒業したばかりです。私はコロナの申し子です。キャンパスで過ごす時間が短かったので、大学を卒業した実感がありません。でも、9時から5時までの仕事をすることになっています。みんな仕事を探すのに一生懸命ですよ。2020年に卒業した人たちでさえもです。コロナのために仕事を見つけるチャンスができたのです。 --- ガブリエル・クーカー、22歳、パートタイム・メディア・エンゲイジメント・マネージャー

"I have always wanted to make sure she had financial literacy, so I don't shield her from these things. It helps me to remember it's just the ebbs and flows of the normal economy. Now feels much scarier than 2008 --- the back drop of the recession is against so much : social injustice, Covid, monkey pox, war and a whole generation of kids who are ambivalent about entering the work force." --- Cynthia Kuker, 66, freelance creative director and writer

私はずっと、こういう事態が起っても自分は娘を守ってやれませんから、彼女には金融リテラシーを身に付けて欲しいと思っていました。こういうことは経済には普通に起ることと覚えておかなければと思うのですが、2008年よりずっと怖いなと感じています。なぜなら、不況の背景に、社会的不公正、コロナ、サル痘、戦争、そして労働力になることを躊躇している子供たちの世代など、多くのものがあるからです。--- シンシア・クーカー、66歳、フリーランスのクリエイティブ・ディレクター、ライター



