Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



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Why School Absences Have ‘Exploded’ Almost Everywhere

By Sarah Mervosh and Francesca Paris


Source: Nat Malkus, American Enterprise Institute. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent of a school year.



Nationally, an estimated 26 percent of public school students were considered chronically absent last school year, up from 15 percent before the pandemic, according to the most recent data, from 40 states and Washington, D.C., compiled by the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute.

For districts in wealthier areas, chronic absenteeism rates have about doubled, to 19 percent in the 2022-23 school year from 10 percent before the pandemic, a New York Times analysis of the data found.

Around 32 percent of students in the poorest districts were chronically absent in the 2022-23 school year, up from 19 percent before the pandemic.

全国的に、昨年度公立学校の生徒の26%が常習的に欠席(chronically absent)していました。(保守的傾向のあるアメリカン・エンタープライズ研究所が40の州とワシントンD.C.から集めた最新のデータによる)コロナ前の15%から増加しました。



Our relationship with school became optional,” said Katie Rosanbalm, a psychologist and associate research professor with the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University.

The habit of daily attendance — and many families’ trust — was severed when schools shuttered in spring 2020. Even after schools reopened, things hardly snapped back to normal. Districts offered remote options, required Covid-19 quarantines and relaxed policies around attendance and grading.

Today, student absenteeism is a leading factor hindering the nation’s recovery from pandemic learning losses, educational experts say. Students can’t learn if they aren’t in school. And a rotating cast of absent classmates can negatively affect the achievement of even students who do show up, because teachers must slow down and adjust their approach to keep everyone on track.


2020年春に学校が閉鎖されたことで、毎日出席する習慣が、そして多くの家族の信頼が断ち切られ(was severed)ました。学校が再開された後も、事態はなかなか急には元通りにはなりませんでした。学校区ではリモート授業が選択肢となりコロナに感染すれば隔離が義務であるとし、出席や成績評価に関する方針を緩いものにしました。


🤨北カリフォルニアにある学校では欠席率がコロナ前の12%から25%にまで 上がったそうです。

In Anchorage, affluent families set off on ski trips and other lengthy vacations, with the assumption that their children can keep up with schoolwork online.

In a working-class pocket of Michigan, school administrators have tried almost everything, including pajama day, to boost student attendance.

And across the country, students with heightened anxiety are opting to stay home rather than face the classroom.

アンカレッジでは、裕福な家庭(affluent families)はスキー旅行や長期の休暇に出かけます。子どもたちはオンラインで学校の勉強についていけるだろうと考えているのです。


また、全国的に、不安な気持ちが高まった生徒は、教室にいるよりも家にいることを選ぶ(are opting)ようになっています。

And because teachers are still expected to post class work online, often nothing more than a skeleton version of an assignment, families incorrectly think students are keeping up, Ms. Miller said.

Across the country, students are staying home when sick, not only with Covid-19, but also with more routine colds and viruses.

And more students are struggling with their mental health, one reason for increased absenteeism in Mason, Ohio, an affluent suburb of Cincinnati, said Tracey Carson, a district spokeswoman. Because many parents can work remotely, their children can also stay home.

また、教師は今でも授業でやったことをネットにアップしなくてはなりませんが、多くの場合、それは課題の骨格にすぎない(nothing more than)ものになっています。そのため、家族は生徒が学業に追い付いていると誤解しているのだと、ミラー先生は言っています。



Experts say missing school is both a symptom of pandemic-related challenges, and also a cause. Students who are behind academically may not want to attend, but being absent sets them further back. Anxious students may avoid school, but hiding out can fuel their anxiety.

And schools have also seen a rise in discipline problems since the pandemic, an issue intertwined with absenteeism.

Dr. Rosanbalm, the Duke psychologist, said both absenteeism and behavioral outbursts are examples of the human stress response, now playing out en masse in schools: fight (verbal or physical aggression) or flight (absenteeism).


また、コロナ以降学校では生徒の規律に関する問題(discipline problems)が増え、これが常習的欠席と密接に関連しているのです。

デューク大学の心理学者であるローザンバルム博士によると、常習的に欠席することと鬱積した感情による爆発(behavioral outbursts)を起こすことは、両方とも人間がストレスを感じる時の反応の一例であり、現在学校では、集団的にケンカになる(言葉や身体による攻撃)か逃げ出す(欠席する)かのどちらかになっているとのことです。

Quintin Shepherd, the superintendent in Victoria, Texas, first put his focus on student behavior, which he described as a “fire in the kitchen” after schools reopened in August 2020.

The district, which serves a mostly low-income and Hispanic student body of around 13,000, found success with a one-on-one coaching program that teaches coping strategies to the most disruptive students. In some cases, students went from having 20 classroom outbursts per year to fewer than five, Dr. Shepherd said.

“If kids are not here, they are not forming relationships,” he said. “If they are not forming relationships, we should expect there will be behavior and discipline issues. If they are not here, they will not be academically learning and they will struggle. If they struggle with their coursework, you can expect violent behaviors.”




A home visit program has yielded positive results, in part by working with families to address the specific reasons a student is missing school, but also by establishing a relationship with a caring adult. Other efforts — such as sending text messages or postcards to parents informing them of the number of accumulated absences — can also be effective.

But bringing about meaningful change for large numbers of students remains slow, difficult work.




文中では、"chronically absent"や、"absenteeism"といった単語が出てきますが、どちらも日本語では、「不登校」という表現にしてしまいましたが、厳密には、前者は「常習的にけっせきする」ことで、後者は、「特に正当な理由がなく、常習的に休むこと」を意味します。



