Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



昨日はMoMAでのアルツハイマーや認知症を患っている方のための、"Meet Me at MoMA"の取り組みをご紹介しましたが、今日は視力に障害がある人のための取り組みをご紹介します。日本の美術館や博物館でもこうした取り組みをしているところがあると思いますが、どこか違うところがあるでしょうか?

Making Art Accessible for All

Visiting a museum is still a challenge for someone with a disability. The Museum of Modern Art has been in the forefront of change by providing programs and training.

By Katherine Bouton
April 25, 2023

Touch tours for visitors who are blind or have low vision have been offered at the Museum of Modern Art for over 50 years, including one here during the 1990s.Credit...MoMA



Imagine encountering Umberto Boccioni’s 1913 bronze sculpture “Unique Forms of Continuity in Space” without being able to see it. A little over three and a half feet tall, the abstract striding figure is all sharp edges and curves.

 On a Sunday in early March at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, a group of about 100 people, most of whom were blind or had low vision, put on thin plastic gloves and felt this and other sculptures. The tour was part of a celebration of 50 years of touch tours at the museum.



Abigail Shaw, who has been blind since birth, ran her hands over and around Boccioni’s sculpture, unable to identify at first what she was feeling. Jamie Mirabella, a teaching artist, told the small group the name of the artist, who was part of the Italian Futurist movement, and the name of the sculpture.

But it wasn’t until Ms. Mirabella mentioned the date, which Ms. Shaw recognized as a time when industrialization was influencing modernism, that she began to “see” the piece and to understand that it was a figure in motion. “I could feel the energy,” she said, and “understood the artist’s attempt to reflect what a body looks like moving through space.”


しかしミラベラさんが制作された日付を伝えたとき、ショーさんはそれが工業化がモダニズムに影響を及ぼした時代であるとわかり、作品を「見る」ようになってその彫刻が動いている人物であることを理解し始めたのです。「エネルギーを感じ、空間を移動する身体がどのように見えるかを表現しようとする芸術家の試みを理解しました 」と彼女は言いました。

👩 "it wasn’t until ~ that ・・・" は、「~してはじめて・・・だった」といった構文になります。

A verbal description tour is one of the many accessibility options at MoMA.Credit...MoMA

Kevin Beauchamp, who has what he described as a very small field of “useful vision,” also commented on the Boccioni. Like Ms. Shaw, he could feel the shapes but couldn’t identify them.

“I wasn’t coming up with anything to help me figure out what this might be.” When Ms. Mirabella explained that it was a human figure, Mr. Beauchamp said, “I began piecing it together; this is the leg, the back leg that he’s pushing off with, and this is the thigh(腿---もも) that he’s moving forward. I was able, once I knew what it was, to figure it out.”




MoMA also offered audio tours on that Sunday afternoon, part of its Art inSight program for people who are blind or have low vision, now in its 20th year. Annie Leist, a museum staffer and an artist and photographer herself, took a group to a brightly colored abstract diptych(抽象画) called “Wind and Water,” painted in 1975 by Suzanne Jackson.

It reflects the psychedelic culture of the time and the spiritual symbolism of 1970s Afrocentrism, Leist explained. As she encouraged the group to contribute their own observations, the shapes of figures dancing across the canvas emerged, a purple bird, a fish in the dark at the bottom. “It’s a little like reading clouds,” Ms. Leist said.

MoMAでは、日曜日の午後にオーディオツアーを実施しました。これは今年で20年目を迎える視覚障害者向けプログラム「アート・イン・サイト」の一環として行われたものです。美術館のスタッフであり、自身もアーティストであり写真家でもあるアニー・ライストさんが、色鮮やかな2連の抽象画(abstract diptych)である、1975年スザンヌ・ジャクソン作、「Wind and Water(風と水)」の展示に案内しました。


“Wind and Water,” painted in 1975 by Suzanne Jackson

Not everyone was able to see the painting. Mr. Orlick, who is also colorblind(色覚異常), said that the muted pastels(淡いパステル画) meant that the painting was essentially just white for him. A painting with strong color contrast is more accessible. “If someone says ‘this is a deep blue sky,’ that means more to me than this is a blue sky,” he said. “It’s like watching a black and white movie. I understand the color cognitively(認知的に) instead of perceptionally(知覚的に).”

誰もが絵を見ることができたわけではありません。色覚異常(colorblind)のオーリックさんにとって、淡いパステルカラーの絵(muted pastels)は白にしか見えなかったそうです。色のコントラストが強い絵(strong color contrast)の方が見やすいのです。「誰かが これは深い青空だ、と言えば、それは私にとって、それが青空であること以上の意味があるのです。白黒映画を見ているようなものです。私は色を知覚的 (perceptionally)に理解するのではなく、認知的に(cognitively)理解するのです」。



