Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





①What’s one word you would use to describe Congress today?

⓶Is Congress corrupt(腐敗している)?

⓷What was your most frustrating experience?

⓸What’s the best perk (特典)of the job?

⑤Did you make a difference(変化を起こす)?

⑥What should a Congress member’s salary be?

⑦What worries you the most about the future?

⑧How do you fix Congress?









👩完成した動画は、"The Exit Interviews(出口インタビュー)---Twelve departing lawmakers tell us what Congress is really like.(12人の今期で退任する議員が語る議会の実態)というタイトルの記事内に組み込まれています。(原文はこちらです。)


Even the insiders are fed up with(うんざりしている) Washington. To understand why, we put the same eight questions to House and Senate members in both parties who are on the way out, looking for patterns and prescriptions(処方箋) to get a handle on the place. Corruption(汚職), money, perks(役得), frustrations, solutions — hear what they said about it all.





“Chaotic.” (大混乱している)


“Tense.” (ピリピリしている)

“Difficult.” (難しい)

“Misunderstood” (誤解されている)


Is Congress corrupt(腐敗している?

"Big corporations and special interests(利権)."

"There is undue(過度の) influence for special interests, absolutely."

"The tsunami of money that comes in from special interest groups(特別利益団体)."

"Some people do tend to favor large business and special interests."

"I was told at the beginning that I had to raise (資金を集める)$250,000 if I wanted to be on certain committees(特定の委員会). And if I wanted to be on more important committees or committees with broader jurisdiction, I needed to raise even more money. Buying a committee seat is not something that most Americans know that members of Congress have to do."

"I think there’s too much money in our political system."



「特別利益団体から押し寄せる 金の津波です。」




What was your most frustrating experience?

"The thing that’s most frustrating now is that the environment seems to give permission for people to come to an understanding, to shake hands, and then erase all memory of that deal when it becomes convenient to do so."

"One of the most frustrating experiences for me was the antitrust legislation concerning (~に関する独占禁止法)Big Tech. They have so much money and so much influence on the Hill (=the Capital Hill 米国議会)that we just can’t move forward on those issues."

"I think the most frustrating thing is when you have 300 cosponsors(法案の共同提案者) to a bill,(法案) and you still can’t get that across the finish line."

"The frustration of being in the House (下院) and being told all the time, 'This is how you need to vote.'"





What’s the best perk(特典) of the job?

"You get to go on some congressional trips."

"When you’re sitting across from (~と向かい合って座る) the prime minister of Japan, that’s pretty cool."

"We get to see demonstrations of technology at laboratories."

"You’re talking to experts who are shaping (形作る) the future."





Did you make a difference?

"I was the first woman to chair the Health Subcommittee."

"Permit the Smithsonian to build a Latino museum."

"Helped write a bipartisan (超党派の)infrastructure bill that has the biggest investment ever in climate provisions(対策)."

"Managed to bring mental health into the light."

"I was responsible for passage of cancer screening coverage(がん検診に適用できる) under Medicare."






What should a Congress member’s salary be?

"A congressman makes $174,000 a year."

"Look the average income in my district is $55,000 a year."

"If I go back to my district, where the average salary in some places is $32,000, and I say I don’t make enough” when I make $174,000, they would go ballisticカンカンに怒る)."

"I’d be out of office in a heartbeat(直ちに. And yet, I’m trying to maintain two places to live, I have clothes in two places, have a car in two places, it’s very difficult."

"When I got to congress, I realized, holy smokes (えっ!) that comes out of my pocket without reimbursement(返金)."



「平均給与が32,000ドルというところもある私の選挙区に戻って、17万4,000ドルも稼いでいるのにそれが足りない と言ったら、彼らは怒り狂うでしょう。」



What worries you the most about the future?

"We were at a budget standoff(膠着状態) over the debt ceiling(債務上限)."

"I worry about the future of our democracy."

"Are we going to protect our democracy?"

"The state of our democracy."

"A lot of the concerns I have now are about the geopolitical(地政学的な) climate all around the world."

"Those autocratic regimes(独裁体制) around the world."





「私が今 懸念しているのは世界中の地政学的情勢です。」



現在、All Accessで、年間90ドルでした。 記事を限定すればもっと安くなります。



