Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨークタイムズの"Learning Network"部門の中で、ジェレミー・イングル(Jeremy Engle)記者は、昨日のブログでご紹介した米国会議員へのインタビューのビデオを見た後で、2024年5月3日に、若者に向けて次のようなタイトルの記事を書いています。(原文はこちら

Would You Ever Want to Be a Politician?


Would you ever want to hold or seek an elected office in the government? Why or why not? What do you think would be the most rewarding(やりがいがある) or challenging (難しい)aspects of holding political office? Do you consider being a politician an important or honorable job?

According to the Pew Research Center, public trust in government is at near-record lows. Less than 20 percent of Americans say that they trust Washington lawmakers to do what is right most of the time or always.

Twelve lawmakers(議員) told The Times(ニューヨークタイムズ誌) what Congress was really like. Do their answers make a life in public office more admirable (立派な)and attractive (魅力的)to you? Or is it something you would rather avoid?



👩英語の"less than ~"は、日本語の「未満」に当たり、示された数字は含みません。


👩"The Times"と”s"が付いているのは、"The New York Times"の略だからです。


Students, read the entire article and watch all of the short video interviews, and then tell us:

Would you ever want to serve in Congress or become a politician? If so, why? Would you like to serve on the local, state or federal level? Would you like to be a mayor, a member of Congress or the president?

What is your reaction to The Times’s video interviews with House and Senate members who are leaving Congress? Many lawmakers described Washington as “dysfunctional,” while Representative Larry Bucshon, Democrat of Indiana, used the word “misunderstood.” What did you learn about serving in Congress? Which statements were most surprising?



ニューヨークタイムズ誌が報じた、退任する上下院議員へのインタビュービデオについてどう思いますか?多くの議員が議会を 「機能不全 」と表現し、インディアナ州のラリー・ブション下院議員(民主党)は 「誤解されている 」という言葉を使いました。議会での職務について何が分かりましたか?最も驚いた発言は何でしたか?


Despite what they characterized as chaos and dysfunction in Washington, many of the lawmakers said that they had made a real difference in the lives of Americans. After watching the interviews, what do you think are the best and most challenging parts of being a politician? Did any of their remarks(発言) change your understanding about a career in public service?

If you had the opportunity to conduct a similar interview, what questions would you want to ask a politician? What would you hope to find out?

With trust in government at near-record lows, how might more people — especially young people — be persuaded to pursue a career in politics? What would you say to convince them that being a politician was an important job?






