Would You Ever Want to Be a Politician?
Brandon Marcheschi
Glenbard West, Glen Ellyn, IL
If I had the opportunity to have a position that would be able to make big changes in things I think are important, I would. There are so many problems in our society that need to be addressed (取り組むべき). I don’t trust my local lawmakers(地元の議員) mainly because I haven’t heard of a single thing they have done. I don’t even know the mayor of my town or if it even has one. There are so many things that I think lawmakers could be doing better to improve the quality or life of millions in the U.S. alone.
New York
@Brandon Marcheschi I see your point, however I respectfully disagree because I would never want to be a politician. It seems like a very stressful job and most of the people would not like you because they are the opposite of what you are trying to push for. Also they get so much criticism (批判) and to me it would just be really boring.
Myaさん ニューヨーク
Connel Nicholson
Cary High School
I do actually have some want to become a politician. I like a lot of topics, including history and politics. Because of this, I pay attention to politics, and try to understand what is going on. I also want to ensure (確かなものにする)that our world gets better, and the people who often accomplish the most change are, or at least have to go through politicians.
Additionally, it seems like an interesting job to me, as figuring out how to pass and implement (実行する)policy would be an interesting challenge. All of this makes me want to be a politician, despite what the people from Congress said in the article.
However, as much as I like history and politics, I love math and physics. These are my two favorite subjects, and so they override(~より優位に立つ) my wants to be a politician in favor of (~を好んで)being a physicist. Additionally, trying to become a politician is not easy, and requires(~を必要とする) funding for campaigns(選挙運動資金).
However, the way many politicians get funding is through lobbying(陳情活動), which I am vehemently (熱烈に)against, as I feel it is harmful to democracy. Additionally, my main goals would be to get rid of (~をなくする)the electoral college(選挙人団) and replace(置き替える) it with ranked choice voting(順位選択投票), something I do not see happening for a long time, as it would require changes to the constitution(憲法).
Overall, while I could implement some things I would like to, many wouldn’t be feasible (実行可能である), especially when considering (~を考慮すると)the strict divide in politics between parties, which causes a lot of gridlock(膠着状態). For these reasons, I would rather go into physics than politics.
コネル・ニコルソンさん ケーリー高校