Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





skibidi toilet - season 5 (all episodes)



Skibidi Toilet is a web series of YouTube videos and shorts created by animator Alexey Gerasimov and uploaded on his YouTube channel DaFuq!?Boom! The series features a storyline about a war between toilets with human heads and humanoid characters with electronic devices for heads.

スキビディ・トイレットは、アニメーターのアレクセイ・ゲラシモフが自身のYouTubeチャンネルDaFuq!? Boom!(こちらにアップロードした短編ビデオです。このシリーズは、人間の頭を持つトイレと、頭に電子機器を搭載したヒューマノイド・キャラクターとの戦争のストーリーから成っています。

 Since the first short was posted on 8 February 2023, Skibidi Toilet has become viral as an internet meme across various social media platforms, particularly among Generation Alpha. As of December 2023, Gerasimov's channel has over 36 million subscribers and 13.8 billion views overall.


The series documents a conflict between singing human-headed toilets—the titular "Skibidi Toilets"—and humans with CCTV cameras, speakers, and televisions for heads. 

このシリーズは、歌う人間の頭をしたトイレである、タイトルにもなっている 「スキビディ・トイレット 」と、CCTVカメラ、スピーカー、テレビを頭になった人間との対立を描いたものです。

In a New York City-like setting, Skibidi Toilets, and their leader G-Man, threaten humanity. Two legions of hardware-headed robots, cameras and speakers, form an alliance against the toilets. 





Hayden H
Glenbard west highschool

Honestly I think words such as skibidi toilet and duke Dennis rizz have revolutionized the way this modern world works in fact we wouldn’t be where we are today without these amazing words.



Hhaving a level 7 gyat is very hard since I always get fanum taxed and then I get annoyed by a sigma and sometimes when I'm eating lunch, I get fanum taxed. 


Ava Fancy,
Hoggard High School

I use the words “gyat”, “rizzler”, and “sigma” more than any other of the mentioned words. I don’t use the word “gyat” by definition usually. Sometimes, I use it as an insult towards my family or I use it by definition. But, I never use the word to describe someone that is not in my family. I use “gyat” to describe my mom, but not in a mean way or a serious way. I think a lot of slang is really stupid. Like “Fanum tax” is the worst slang word ever and it simply has no meaning. I use some other slang besides these words but I think that using slang words has to have a certain context.

私は「ギャット」、「リズラー」、「シグマ」という言葉を他のどの言葉よりも多く使います。「ギャット」という言葉は、普通、定義通りには使いません。家族に対する侮辱として使うこともありますし、定義通りに使うこともあります。でも、家族以外の人を表す言葉としては使いません。「ギャット」は私の母を表現するときに使いますが、意地悪な意味や深刻な意味では使いません。「ギャット」は私のママのことを言うときに使いますが、意地悪な意味や深刻な意味では使いません。沢山のスラングは本当にくだらないと思います。例えば 「ファンナムタックス」は最悪のスラングで、何の意味もありません。私はこれらの言葉以外にもいくつかのスラングを使いますが、スラングを使うには一定の文脈が必要だと思います。

Campbell C
Glenbard west

I like to use words like gyatt and rizz to express my opinions on various topics. I find this type of slang very useful in everyday life, and it makes much of my life easier. Everyday I go on YouTube shorts to learn the newest slang word and add it to me every expanding vocabulary. I hope one day everyone will learn these words and it can be fully engrained into our society until the end of time. I think all generations should learn this slang, as it’s taking up the modern age at a rapid pace, and if you are too slow to get with the move, you much just be left in the dust with all the other level 1 skbidy gyatts. 




