👩この同盟は、"The Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage"(婦人参政権を応援する男性同盟)です。メンバーは、編集者で哲学者のマックス・イーストマン(Max Eastman)、教育改革者のジョン・デューイ(John Dewey)、ラビのスティーブン・ワイズ(Stephen Wise)、金融家のジョン・フォスター・ピーボディ(John Foster Peabody)、サイモン・フレクスナー博士(Dr. Simon Flexner)、作家のウィリアム・ディーン・ハウエルズ(William Dean Howells)らでした。
........., they wrote in their charter (憲章), “the purpose of this league shall be to express approval of the movement of women to attain the full suffrage (婦人参政権)in this country, and to aid them in their efforts toward that end by public appearances in behalf of the cause, by the circulation (配布)of literature, the holding of meetings, and in such other ways as from time to time seem desirable.”
彼らは規約の中で「この連盟の目的は、この国で完全な参政権を獲得しようとする女性の運動に賛意を表明し、この目的のために公の場に出席し、資料を配布し、集会を開催し、その他随時望ましいと思われる方法で、その目的に向けた女性の努力を援助することである 」と書きました。
To that end(目的), Men’s Leaguers marched in the streets, undertook (引き受ける)nationwide suffrage tours, hosted lavish(豪華な) fundraisers (資金集めのイベント), filled editorial (社説の)pages, represented female suffragists in court (法廷), lobbied at the state and federal level for equal suffrage, and in at least one situation, performed in a suffrage-themed vaudeville (演芸)routine.
All dramatics aside, the Men’s League’s Constitution had one extremely important stipulation(条項). It said, “Any voter in the state of New York may become a member of this League.” Ultimately, the men’s status as voters made them deeply valuable to the Suffrage Movement.
“Mrs. Suffern” implores(要請する) men to join the cause, 1914 , via the Library of Congress
The Suffrage Movement was no stranger to well-heeled (裕福な)support. Some of its most vocal champions and vigorous advocates were upper-class women like Alva Vanderbilt Belmont and Louisine Havemeyer, who had the time and means to devote to the movement. But, prominent men had one thing prominent women still did not: political power.
For example, Eastman, Wise, Villard and Peabody were all politically connected to Woodrow Wilson. Suffragist Inez Mulholland may have led the 1913 Suffrage Parade on horseback under a banner asking, “Mr. Wilson, how long will women wait for liberty?” But members of the Men’s League could just ask the president that question personally.
例えば、イーストマン氏、ワイズ氏、ヴィラード氏、ピーボディ氏は、いずれも(当時の大統領の)ウッドロウ・ウィルソンと政治的に繋がっていました。 1913年の参政権パレードでは、女性参政権運動家のアイネス・マルホランドが「ウィルソン大統領、女性はいつまで自由を待てばいいのですか?」と書かれた旗を掲げ、馬に乗って先導したかもしれません。しかし、男性同盟のメンバーだけが、その質問を大統領に直接尋ねることができたのです。
As politically enfranchised (参政権を認められた)men, the League’s members had ready access to other politically enfranchised men, in the press and in the state and federal government, whose support would be necessary for women to win the vote. After all, male voters were the only ones who could vote to decide if women should have the vote. Their support was crucial.