Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語









Holidays Well Spent - The New York Times

Holidays Well Spent

“I just never realized how much ornaments add up!” Seventeen people on the streets of New York City talk to us about holiday spending.
「置物がこんなに増えるなんて!」 ニューヨークの街角に住む17人が、休日の過ごし方について語ってくれました。

By Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg
Dec. 14, 2023

The holidays can be festive and joyous, but they can also be a strain financially. There’s pressure to buy gifts, travel, attend gatherings and “celebrate” days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

休日は華やかで楽しいものですが、経済的に負担になることもあります。プレゼントを買わなければならない、旅行に行かなければならない、集まりに出席しなければならない、ブラックフライデーやサイバーマンデーのような「お祝い 」をしなければならないというプレッシャーがあります。

This season, Americans plan to spend $1,652 on average, which is 14 percent higher than last year, according to the 2023 Deloitte holiday survey. At the same time, people are feeling the crunch of inflation, student loan repayments (which resumed this fall) and dwindling savings accounts.


We’re feeling it, too:


Julia, illustrator of this column


“I hosted our co-op’s holiday party/board meeting and bought snacks like cheese and crackers and wine, which came to around $175. Since when is a box of crackers $9?”


Shaina, author of this column


“I am pretty broke this year and tried to really budget for Hanukkah. I have two kids and was determined to spend under $150 for everyone. Last year and the year before I had more savings and didn’t worry about budgeting as much.”


We hit the streets of New York to find out how other people are feeling about the most expensive time of the year.


Jeanne Strejlau, 58, paralegal


“We’re a big Italian family, so we do three celebrations for Christmas. If we host the whole family, we have 40 people who come. We spend a lot on food, wine and liquor. I would say it’s up there, like $600 or $700. At Christmastime we splurge.”


Nicole Strejlau, 27, pastry chef


“There’s holiday parties and gift giving and things you want to do, but come January, then what? Am I really able to afford it? Should I just enjoy it now and deal with it later? This is something that our generation has to deal with — not just for this time of year.”


Martin Block, 64, lawyer


“I am spending like a fiend this year. I’m optimistic about the economy and about my situation. I haven’t spent a lot over the last couple of years. I’m buying more gifts. I’m getting a bunch of big-ticket jewelry items, and we’re going on a cruise.”


Jennifer Maria, 37, executive assistant


“I will be spending a lot of money — on candles, ornaments, mugs, scarves, whatever I can get. I think a lot of people are leaning toward retail therapy because of everything that’s going on in the world. I think that’s why everyone is out here — just trying to get that imagery out of their head.”


Melanie Romero, 31, financial aid adviser


“My dog, Sammy, gets a bed, boots, a jacket, treats. I’ll be shopping for my mom and sister, too. That’s probably $300 to $400. I save for this. I love the holidays. We’re Puerto Rican, so our traditions are important. Christmas Eve we have a party at my mom’s house. We play music, dance, watch movies and eat a lot — pernil, rice, plátanos.”



David Zaccaria, 27, finance analyst


“We bought a set of ornaments, and then we went to a boutique and got 10 ornaments for $150. We got a little Santa Claus, a Statue of Liberty, a polar bear, an elf, little gnomes and the classic balls. I just never realized how much ornaments add up!”


Adidas Classic World Cup Balls




