Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



今日から2日に渡って、"Fitness Myths"をお届けします。

"myth"は「神話」と訳されることが多いと思いますが、似たような意味の「都市伝説」は"urban legends"です。


an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true 

an old well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events



"Legends of the Fall"でブラッド・ピットのファンになった方も多いのではないでしょうか。



8 Fitness Myths That Drive Experts Crazy

Running is bad for your knees. The heavier the weight the better. Ice baths. And more.

By Danielle Friedman
Jan. 4, 2024

When done right, exercise can be a veritable miracle drug. But follow the wrong advice and you can easily set yourself up for injury. Take the sit-up: Once considered the gold standard of core exercises, we now know that it can make low-back pain worse.

正しく行えば、運動はまさに奇跡の薬となる。しかし、間違ったアドバイスに従うと、怪我をしやすくなる。例えば腹筋運動。 かつては体幹エクササイズの王道とされていたが、今では腰痛を悪化させる可能性があることがわかっている。

Fitness culture is rife with such misconceptions, thanks to constantly evolving science and fitness influencers who share tips based on “anecdote and gym lore,” said Brad Schoenfeld, a professor of exercise science at Lehman College in New York. “Once those opinions are disseminated to the public and take hold, they are hard to change.”


I asked more than a dozen fitness experts to share the myths they hear most often among their clients and patients, and that they wish they could debunk once and for all.


Myth 1: You should stretch before you work out.

If you’ve taken a high school gym class, you’ve probably been told to spend a few minutes stretching before exercising. But recent research has found that stretching before exercising is ineffective for preventing injury and may actually work against you. That’s because stretching a muscle for more than 90 seconds temporarily diminishes its strength.


“You’ve just transiently weakened all the muscle groups you’re trying to train,” said Dr. Josh Goldman, associate director of the Center for Sports Medicine at UCLA Health.


If you really enjoy the feeling of stretching before physical activity, don’t hold the stretch for long, Dr. Goldman said.


For the most effective preparation to work out, try a dynamic warm-up — a series of active exercises that get your blood flowing and gently stress your muscles. Save your stretching for a separate time, he said. “I like to tell people to do it before bed,” since it gives your muscles time to recover before moving again.


Myth 2: You need to lift heavy weights to build muscle.

Not true, said Dr. Schoenfeld, who studies muscle growth. A significant body of research now shows that lifting relatively light weights for, say, 30 repetitions is just as effective at building muscle and strength as lifting weights that feel heavier for five to 12 reps. It’s a matter of personal preference.


But don’t avoid heavy weights for fear that they will make you “bulk up,” said Dr. Jacob Sellon, a sports medicine physician at the Mayo Clinic. “It actually takes a lot of effort” to build Popeye muscles, he said. “It doesn’t just happen with typical strength training.”

しかし、「筋肉モリモリ 」になりたくなくて、重いウェイトを持たないようにするということは必要はない、とメイヨークリニックのスポーツ医学医師、ジェイコブ・セロン博士は言う。「ポパイのような筋肉をつけるには、実はかなりの努力が必要なのです」、「普通の筋力トレーニングだけではそうはなりませんよ。」

Myth 3: Running destroys your knees.

Fear not, research has debunked the notion that running increases your risk of osteoarthritis, and even suggests it can protect your knees against the condition. In fact, not moving increases your risk of developing osteoarthritis, along with age, weight and genetics.


For years, experts thought that “our knees were like tires — you drive the car a lot, you burn through your tire tread,” Dr. Goldman said. “That is not true, because our body is dynamic,” and our joints can regenerate themselves, especially when we are regularly active.


That said, running can definitely lead to knee pain or injury if you train too aggressively, said Dr. Jordan Metzl, a sports medicine physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. Dr. Metzl called this “violating the rule of toos” — running too fast or too far too soon. “Increase slowly,” he said. And if you start to feel knee pain, get it checked out as soon as possible by a sports medicine expert.


Myth 4: Walking is enough to keep you fit as you age.

Walking is popular among older Americans for good reason: It’s been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, as well as the risk of premature death. And it’s so doable.


But walking on its own is not enough to stay fit as you get older, said Anne Brady, an associate professor of exercise science at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Starting in your 30s, your muscle mass progressively declines, she said, so you also need to focus on strength training.


“People can do daily activities with a minimal amount of cardiovascular fitness,” she said. “But when they don’t have the strength or the muscle power to do daily activities, that’s when they lose their independence.”


Complement walks with at least two 20-minute strength-training sessions every week.





