Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




今日は、昨日の「エコノミスト」が取り上げた、「新しい芸者さん」を読んで、芸者さんのことをもっと知りたくなった方に、12項目の知識を英語で説明している、ジェイムズ・デイヴィス(James Davies)さんの記事を読みます。



12 Things You Didn’t Know About Geisha

James Davies

Geisha are one of the most captivating symbols of Japan. Their iconic appearance is unmistakable thanks to the elaborate makeup, hairstyle, kimono, and more. Yet much of a geisha's lifestyle and responsibilities remain shrouded in mystery, with many misconceptions about the profession spoiling its image. To help shed light on this secretive world, we’ve put together 12 fascinating geisha facts sure to surprise!


What Is a Geisha?

A geisha is a Japanese female performance artist, traditionally hired to entertain guests at teahouses and social events. During such events, a geisha will sing, dance, perform music, host tea ceremonies, and serve food and drinks - all while engaging in lively conversation. The meaning of “geisha” comes from two kanji characters, “gei” (芸), meaning arts or entertainment, and “sha” (者), which means person. The word translates as a “person of the arts.”


A woman wanting to become a geisha must first serve an apprenticeship where she will learn the many skills required for the role. An apprentice geisha is called a “maiko,” and an apprenticeship takes around five years to complete. To become a geisha, maiko will take lessons on how to sing, dance, and play music. They will also learn the art of conversation as well as the formal hosting skills expected of a geisha.


1. There Are Several Different Terms for Geisha

While the word “geisha” is widely known, it is actually just one of the terms used to refer to Japan's traditional female entertainers. Though now widely accepted as the standard, “geisha” was originally reserved for entertainers in Tokyo. 


In Kyoto, geisha are called “geiko,” which shares the same “gei” (芸) kanji as geisha while its second character is replaced with “ko” (子), meaning child or young person. In the western cities of Niigata and Kanazawa, geisha are known as “geigi,” with “gi” (妓) meaning “artistic woman.” Despite the different names, all still refer to what are commonly seen as geisha.


2. Geisha Still Exist in Japan Today

Though the number of geisha in Japan has steadily declined since the golden age of the late Edo Period (1603-1867), it's estimated that there are still around 600 geisha working in Japan today. Despite more stable career paths available, some young women are still drawn to the allure of becoming a geisha. 


Today, around half of Japan's geisha live and work in Kyoto, though there are still a few geisha districts remaining in Tokyo, Kanazawa, Niigata, and Hachioji. Geisha districts are known as “hanamachi,” meaning “flower town,” and were established during the 17th century when laws were passed to contain certain forms of entertainment within specific neighborhoods.


The most famous hanamachi in Japan is Gion in Kyoto, where a number of “okiya” geisha lodging houses remain. The area is popular with tourists and is one of the best places to see the modern geisha. The narrow, atmospheric alley of Ponto-cho and Kamishichiken in the northwest are two of Kyoto’s other remaining hanamachi. 


Kanazawa has three hanamachi, the most famous being the historic “Higashi Chaya.” Amongst these old streets is “Ochaya Shima,” a beautiful old teahouse built in 1820 that once hosted geisha performances and is now open to the public. Tokyo itself boasts six remaining hanamachi districts, the most prevalent being Asakusa and Kagurazaka.

金沢には3つの花街があり、最も有名なのは歴史ある 「ひがし茶屋 」だ。これらの古い通りの中には、1820年に建てられ、かつては芸者衆の芸が行われ、現在は一般公開されている美しいお茶屋「御茶屋志摩」がある。東京には6つの花街が残っており、中でも浅草と神楽坂が有名だ。



3. Apprentice Geisha Are Called Maiko

An apprentice geisha is called a “maiko.” It takes around five years of training for a maiko to become a fully fledged geisha. The word “maiko” means “woman of dance,” and today their journey usually begins at around 15 years old, soon after graduating junior high school.

見習い芸者は 「舞妓 (まいこ)」と呼ばれる。舞妓が一人前の芸者になるには5年ほどの修行が必要だ。舞妓」とは「舞を舞う女性」という意味で、現在では大抵、中学を卒業して間もない15歳くらいから舞妓になる。

Typically, a prospective maiko will make an application to begin an apprenticeship with an “okiya,” which are owned and run by a female head of house called an “okaasan,” meaning “mother.”


During her training period, maiko will learn a wide range of skills to entertain her future guests, including learning to play traditional Japanese instruments such as the shamisen and koto, along with singing, dancing, and the art of the Japanese tea ceremony.


Along with performance, maiko will also study other elements of traditional Japanese culture, including calligraphy, flower arranging, poetry, and literature. They will also attend events with established geisha to learn the correct etiquette to entertain. 


When a maiko has completed her apprenticeship at around 20 years old, she will become a geisha. This event is marked with a ceremony called “erikae,” meaning the “turning of the collar,” where she will finally wear the kimono and elaborate wig that denotes a geisha.


4. A Geisha's Trademark Look Relies on a Serious Makeup Routine

A fundamental element of a geisha's appearance is the brilliant makeup. Both maiko and geisha cover their faces and necks in a traditional white foundation called “oshiroi,” a powder mixed with water to become a paste. 


Before applying, a geisha puts on a layer of wax called “bintsuke abura” to help smooth her skin before oshiroi is applied with a wide brush. Next, a subtle yet distinctive red lipstick, called “beni,” is added along with black eye-liner and red pigment around the eyes. Heavily defined eyebrows drawn using pigment complete the iconic look.


A geisha carries out this routine every day, taking between 30 mins to an hour. The only part left free of oshiroi is the back of the neck, where two or three small patches of clear skin are left uncoated. These are called “eri-ashi,” and are left to give the impression of elongating the neck. The makeup is wiped away at the end of the night using a dissolving oil.

芸者の毎日はこれをすることから始まり、30分から1時間かかる。おしろいを塗らないのは首の後ろだけで、2,3か所、そうした部分を残す。 そこは「えりあし」と呼ばれる部分で、首を長く見せるためにおしろいを塗らない。化粧は夜の終わりに、オイルを使って拭き取る。

The original reason for such makeup was as much practical as decorative. During the 19th century, teahouses were only dimly lit by candlelight, and the bright white makeup of a geisha helped illuminate their faces during the performance. 


This technique was already well established in Japan, and was used by kabuki actors and other entertainers around the same time. While originally made from lead, it now uses much less toxic ingredients such as talc, corn starch, and minerals like magnesium carbonate and kaolinite.


5. There Are Several Ways to Tell Geisha and Maiko Apart

While the untrained eye may find it difficult to differentiate maiko and geisha, there are several visual clues to instantly tell them apart. The first difference is in their makeup, with set ways that maiko and geisha are allowed to apply it to reveal their status. 


This starts from the lipstick - junior maiko only apply lipstick to their bottom lip, while senior maiko will paint a thin red line around both the top and bottom lips. A geisha's lips will be fully painted, and they will usually wear a little less oshiroi than maiko too.


Another way to tell a maiko and geisha apart is the hair. Maiko wear a number of traditional hairstyles called “nihongami,” which are styled from their own natural hair. A maiko will typically have a few different hairstyles during her apprenticeship, which often denote rank or seniority.


The most common hairstyle for maiko is “momoware,” which features a bun at the back of the head, although this hairstyle will gradually change as they get older. Alternatively, geisha wear elaborate custom wigs of real hair known as “katsura.” These are designed in the “shimada” style, where the hair is worked up into a top knot at the crown of the head.



Both maiko and geisha also adorn their hairstyles with a variety of hairpins and ornaments that hang from the hair, called “kanzashi.” The kanzashi worn by maiko are usually very elaborate, large, and often decorated with gold or jewels. Kanzashi worn by geisha are also decorative but usually much smaller and more refined and understated.


It's also possible to tell a maiko and geisha apart by their kimono. Geisha kimono are generally muted and chic with shorter sleeves and a small obi (sash). Maiko, on the other hand, wear a type of “furisode” kimono with longer sleeves and cute, colorful designs and a bigger obi (as pictured above). Maiko also wear sandal-like shoes called “okobo” or “pokkuri geta” that have thicker soles, while geisha will opt for more regular “geta” or “zori” sandals.






