Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



アメリカの大学は、出願の際にA.I.チャットの利用を認めるか? - Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語


Does Learning to Be a Good Writer Still Matter in the Age of A.I.? - The New York Times

Does Learning to Be a Good Writer Still Matter in the Age of A.I.?

A New York Times columnist worries that programs like ChatGPT threaten the future of writing — and the benefits and joys of excelling at it. Do you agree?
By Jeremy Engle
Jan. 11, 2024

Are you a good writer? Do you enjoy the craft?


How do writing and the skills needed to be an effective writer help you inside and outside school?


Do you think learning how to be a good writer is less important now that artificial intelligence programs like ChatGPT can write some things for us?


In “Our Semicolons, Ourselves,” the Times Opinion columnist Frank Bruni provocatively asks whether we still need to teach the craft of writing now that students can use A.I. to generate prose in an instant:

ニューヨークタイムズ紙のオピニオン・コラムニスト、フランク・ブルーニ氏は、Our Semicolons, Ourselves(私たちのセミコロン、私たち自身)の中で、生徒たちがA.I.を使って瞬時に文を生成できるようになった今、私たちはまだ彼らに文章の技術を教える必要があるのか、と挑発的に問いかけています。

When I go through students’ papers and flag the misplaced modifiers, note the clichés or explain that a 15-sentence paragraph is less approachable than a five-sentence one, I sometimes ask myself a question that the students who get those papers back from me perhaps ponder as well: Does it really matter?


Is skillful writing a prerequisite for accomplishment? For contentment? Even for communication? You can make your point without punctuating it properly. The most potent ideas may well survive the most flaccid prose.


Besides which, you can now generate prose without writing at all. Wait, scratch that: You do need to fashion the prompt that you’re giving ChatGPT — the parameters of the composition you want, the objectives, the guidelines. But artificial intelligence will do the rest. It will sweat the structure, the syntax, the semicolons.


When I prattle on about dangling participles and the like, some students hear a sad evangelist for a silly religion. I can tell. Even a few of my faculty colleagues look askance at me. One couldn’t understand my frustration with a student who had toggled repeatedly and randomly between “and” and “&” in an essay. Didn’t the student’s meaning come across well enough?

私が(主節と従属節の主語が一致していない)「懸垂分詞構文」などについて話すと、学生の中には愚かな宗教の悲しい伝道者が話しているように聞く者もいます。わかります。同僚の教員でさえ、私を不審の目で見ます。ある学生は一つのエッセイで "and "と&"を何度もランダムに入れ替えて使っていました。そして私がなぜそんなことにイライラするのか理解できませんでした。その生徒の言いたいことが十分伝わらなかったのでしょうか?

I suppose so. But it could have come across a whole lot better, and that’s one of the arguments for writing well — for taking the time and summoning the focus to do so. Good writing burnishes your message. It burnishes the messenger, too.


You may be dazzling on your feet, an extemporaneous ace, thanks to the brilliant thoughts that pinball around your brain. There will nonetheless be times when you must pin them down and put them in a long email. Or a medium-length email. Or a memo. 


Or, hell, a Slack channel. The clarity, coherence, precision and even verve with which you do that — achieving a polish and personality distinct from most of what A.I. spits out — will have an impact on the recipients of that missive, coloring their estimation of you and advancing or impeding your goals.


Mr. Bruni continues on the virtues of effective prose:


Good writing announces your seriousness, establishing you as someone capable of caring and discipline. But it’s not just a matter of show: The act of wrestling your thoughts into logical form, distilling them into comprehensible phrases and presenting them as persuasively and accessibly as possible is arguably the best test of those very thoughts. It either exposes them as flawed or affirms their merit and, in the process, sharpens them.

良い文章を書くことは、あなたが真面目であることを相手に伝え、思いやりがあり礼儀を守ることができる人間であることを証明します。単なる見栄えの問題ではありません。 自分の考えを論理的な形にまとめ、理解しやすいフレーズにまとめ、できるだけ説得力のある、わかりやすい形で伝えるという行為は、間違いなく、自分の考えそのものを試す最良のテストです。そして、その過程で、弱点が明らかになったり、長所が確認されたりして思考はより研ぎ澄まされるのです。

Writing is thinking, but it’s thinking slowed down — stilled — to a point where dimensions and nuances otherwise invisible to you appear. That’s why so many people keep journals. They want more than just a record of what’s happening in their lives. They want to make sense of it.


😃 筆者のジェレミー・イーグル氏(Jeremy Engle)は、この後、学生に対して、次のように問いを投げかけています。


In what ways do you use writing inside and outside school? How much do writing and the skills needed to be a good writer help you in your life? What do you see as the benefits — and the pleasures — of writing?


Do you ever use A.I. programs like ChatGPT to assist you with your writing and communication? If so, what do you think of the results?


Do you think that learning to be a good writer still matters in the age of A.I.? Why or why not? Mr. Bruni asks: “Is skillful writing a prerequisite for accomplishment? For contentment? Even for communication?” How would you reply?

A.I.の時代になっても、良いライターになるための学習は重要だと思いますか?その理由は?ブルーニ氏は次のように問いました。「巧みな文章を書くことは、達成感を得るための必須条件なのでしょうか?それとも満足感のため?コミュニケーションにも必要?」 あなたはどう答えますか?

“Good writing burnishes your message,” Mr. Bruni said. “It burnishes the messenger, too.” Do you agree? What arguments in favor of learning to write well do you find most convincing? Which, if any, are less so?


Will A.I. technology ever replace the need for people to learn how to write effectively? How worried should we be about that prospect?





