Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語







The Mystery Around Covid Fatigue

Here’s what we’re learning about this debilitating symptom and how to manage it.

By Dani Blum
Sept. 27, 2023

Of all the classic Covid symptoms (the dry cough, the stinging throat, the achiness), fatigue may be one of the most debilitating, persistent and confounding.


Dr. Marc Sala, co-director of the Northwestern Medicine Comprehensive Covid-19 Center, said fatigue has become the dominant complaint from his patients. That could be because Covid symptoms are becoming milder overall — he no longer regularly sees patients with severe respiratory damage, and so fatigue has come to the forefront, he said. It’s also possible that fatigue could be a more common symptom with the newer variants, he said.


Dr. Marc Sala (こちらより)

Some degree of Covid-related fatigue is expected. When someone is in the acute phase of a Covid infection, “the body is really busy fighting its war against the virus” and tries to conserve energy, said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, the chief of research and development at the V.A. St. Louis Healthcare System. “You don’t want to do anything — you want to sit in bed,” he added.


But it’s somewhat of a mystery why some people experience really intense fatigue during an infection — the kind that leaves them flattened on the couch, unable to even watch T.V. or heat up soup — while others merely feel drained. It’s also not yet clear why extreme fatigue persists in some people months after they test negative, a hallmark of long Covid.


Doctors have seen a spectrum of fatigue associated with Covid: Some people are wiped out after they exert themselves, whereas others experience more constant exhaustion, said Dr. Paul Auwaerter, a professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


Dr. Paul Auwaerter  (こちらより)

“I don’t think we really understand it,” said E. John Wherry, director of the Institute for Immunology and Immune Health at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. “There’s a lot of speculation.”


E. John Wherry   (こちらより)

Why Covid might cause fatigue
One hypothesis for why people can feel so exhausted is that Covid may disrupt the mitochondria — what Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, calls the Energizer bunnies of our cells. Mitochondrial dysfunction can slow down the body, he said, and this can last beyond the acute phase of an infection.


Sleep disturbances may also contribute to overall fatigue during and after an infection, as Covid makes it harder to get a good night’s rest.


Another theory, specifically related to long Covid, is that the virus may linger in the body even after someone tests negative, Dr. Al-Aly said. After an infection clears, the body should flip an “off switch,” he said, signaling that it no longer needs to fight off the virus. But in people with long Covid, he said, the body stays in defense mode, continuing to conserve energy.


New research published Monday points to an additional potential cause: People with long Covid seem to have significantly less morning cortisol, the hormone that gets you “up and going” when you wake up, Dr. Chin-Hong said. Cortisol deficiency, in general, can lead to fatigue.

月曜日に発表された新しい研究では、もう一つの可能性が指摘されています: コロナの症状が長引いている人は、起きた時身体を目覚めさせ動かすホルモンであるコルチゾールが、朝、著しく少ないようですとチン・ホン博士は言います。コルチゾールの欠乏は、一般に疲労の原因となります。


For people with long Covid, getting enough sleep is vital, said Dr. Fernando Carnavali, site director of the Center for Post-Covid Care at Mount Sinai Doctors, Ansonia. Fragmented or insufficient sleep can exacerbate exhaustion. It is important to follow the fundamentals of sleep hygiene: Try to fall asleep and wake up at consistent hours, keep your bedroom dark and cool, avoid alcohol too close to bedtime and carve out time to unwind before you shut your eyes.

アンソニアにあるマウント・サイナイ・ドクターズのポストコビッド・ケアセンターのサイトディレクターであるフェルナンド・カルナバリ博士は、「コロナの症状が長く続く人は、十分な睡眠をとることは非常に重要です。断片的または不十分な睡眠は、疲労を悪化させる可能性があります。睡眠衛生の基本を守ることが重要です。」と言います。つまり、 入眠と起床の時間を一定にし、寝室を暗く涼しく保ち、就寝間際のアルコールは避け、目を閉じる前にくつろぐ時間を確保しましょう。

Dr. Fernando Carnaval  (こちらより)



