Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





ハンナ・ドレイヤー記者による、ニューヨークタイムズの記事、"The Kids on the Night Shift"は、タイトルを見たとき、「子供の不法労働」の記事であることは想像がつきました。しかし、読んでいくにつれ、悪い大人に搾取されている可哀そうな子供の話だけではないことが分かってきました。



ニューヨーク市に移民が押し寄せている。市長が緊急事態を宣言。 - Talking New York 

ニューヨークが受け入れ、今だ増え続ける移民の数は想像を絶するものだった。 - Talking New York 



Marcos woke up alone in a hospital room in a tangle of intravenous tubing and beeping machines. He knew that children were not supposed to work at the plant, and now he understood why. But he worried about what his parents would do if he didn’t recover — they still owed more than $6,000 for his journey north. He believed he had to get better and persuade the bosses to hire him back.


Doctors were able to save Marcos’s arm, and with two more surgeries and six months of physical therapy, he started to be able to move it again. But skin grafts from his thigh gave his forearm an uneven, quilted appearance, and his fingers were still frozen in a claw. Fayette Industrial, the Tennessee-based cleaning company that had been hired by Perdue, covered his medical bills.


Built in the 1970s, the trailer park is now entirely Spanish-speaking and has effectively become company housing for slaughterhouse workers. Green jackets used by the cleaning crews hang from porches and clotheslines, and residents leave hard hats with sanitation-company logos outside their doors. 


The plants in Accomack County are not just the area’s primary employers; they are major supporters of the community. Children go to school with backpacks donated by Perdue and study in math-and-science centers funded by the company. Tyson gives thousands of pounds of chicken and dry goods to first responders and food banks that families rely on as nearly one in three children in the community live in poverty. Perdue buys trucks for the volunteer Fire Department and donates hundreds of whole chickens to its cookout fund-raisers. When Parksley got its first library this summer, the Perdue Children’s Room was its centerpiece.


Perdue donates hundreds of chickens to the Parksley Volunteer Fire Company’s barbecue chicken fund-raiser.

Almost all the Dreamland families are originally from Mexico or Central America, but the park offers two kinds of childhoods. Some children hurry home from school, eat a rushed dinner and then go to sleep as early as possible so they can get up for work. Others, mostly children living with their parents, spend the hours after school hanging around outside their trailers, playing on rope swings or splayed on couches they drag onto lawns. Several have part-time jobs cutting grass or babysitting. But if they work, it’s not to pay debts or help with rent. Their parents take care of that and admonish them to finish their homework so they will not end up at Tyson or Perdue.


Seven months after his accident, Marcos had become a rarity in the community: a 14-year-old living far from his parents but not working. “They won’t take me back because of the accident,” he said of the sanitation company. He still couldn’t lift his arm well, and often it hung limp at his side. It was approaching 90 degrees, but he wore long sleeves to hide his scars.


After his injury, Marcos missed a month of eighth grade. Students who had been on the shift told their teachers what happened, but when a school counselor called Antonia, she said Marcos had fallen at home. “I was nervous to say anything more because of his age,” she said. She refused to show school administrators Marcos’s medical records. They were under his false name, which Dreamland residents who use fake papers because they are underage or undocumented tend to call their “stage name.”

負傷後、マルコスは中学2年生の1ヵ月を休んだ。シフトに入っていた生徒たちは教師に事情を話したが、スクールカウンセラーがアントニアに電話すると、マルコスは家で転んだのだと言った。「彼の年齢を考えると、これ以上何も言えないと思いました」と彼女は言った。彼女はマルコスの医療記録を学校側に見せることを拒否した。名前は偽名だった。ドリームランドの住民で、未成年であったり、不法滞在であったりするために偽の書類を使っている人たちは、それを "ステージネーム (芸名)"と呼ぶ傾向がある。

Marcos thought about returning home. “I came only because things were so desperate,” he said. But if he went back, there would be no way to pay off his family’s debt, and they would lose their land. So he returned to school instead. He started paying closer attention in class and studying English at night. Many Dreamland children drop out between middle school and high school, but to his own surprise, Marcos was now in his first weeks of ninth grade.


He felt guilty, but Antonia understood the bind he was in. “He wanted to help his mom and dad, but he can’t do anything now,” she said. “And once you come, you can’t go back because of the debt.”


Cleaning jobs at the poultry plants are delegated to outside companies, an arrangement that helps minimize the plants’ accountability.

😀パーデュー・フーズの養鶏場前のチェーン・リンク・フェンスに取り付けられた看板には、「家族が今夜も君たちに期待して待っているよ。 安全第一だよ。」と書かれています。




