Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




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Yoko Ono at 90

She has made it long past the days when she was vilified. In a ’60s-style happening in Central Park, fans sang and danced for an artist whose critical reputation is on the rise.


Yoko Ono fans danced onstage at the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park to celebrate her 90th birthday on Saturday.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times

By Jim Windolf
Feb. 20, 2023

At 90, Yoko Ono has outlasted her detractors, just as she more or less predicted she would in “Yes, I’m a Witch,” a defiant song she recorded in the 1970s.


“I’m not gonna die for you,” Ms. Ono sang. “You might as well face the truth / I’m gonna stick around / For quite a while / Yes, I’m a witch.”


To commemorate her 90th birthday on Saturday, more than 50 artists and fans gathered at the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park to take part in “Morning Piece for Yoko Ono,” a 1960s-style art happening that doubled as a celebration.


Many of those who showed up said they had become aware of Ms. Ono decades ago, around the time when she was newly married to John Lennon and the Beatles were breaking up.



Ms. Ono, who has not appeared in public in recent years, was not there. In 2019, at the Women’s March in Manhattan, she was photographed in a wheelchair. Two years before that, she mentioned that she was suffering from an illness, without specifying what it was. Representatives for Ms. Ono did not reply to emails seeking comment.




At a table near the stage, celebrants wrote messages to Ms. Ono on cardboard tags and picked up white carnations and button-size hand mirrors that said “Morning Piece for Yoko Ono” on one side. After the event, Mr. Ward and Ms. Barton delivered a white bag filled with the messages to the service entrance of the Dakota, the grand apartment house overlooking Central Park that has been Ms. Ono’s main residence since 1973.

(イベント当日の)ステージ近くのテーブルでは、参加者が厚紙のタグにオノさんへのメッセージを書き、白いカーネーションと片面に「Morning Piece for Yoko Ono」と書かれたボタン型の手鏡を手に取った。イベント終了後、ワード氏とバートン氏は、オノさんが1973年から主な住居としているセントラルパークを見下ろす豪邸「ダコタ」の通用口に、メッセージを詰めた白いバッグを届けた。

A pocket mirror that reads “Morning Piece for Yoko Ono” was given to fans.Credit...Nina Westervelt for The New York Times



In recent years, she has gained new fans and greater respect among critics. The shift came partly as a result of “Yes Yoko Ono,” a retrospective that had its debut in 2000 at the Japan Society in New York before it moved to other cities. In The New York Times, Michael Kimmelman wrote that the exhibition revealed Ms. Ono to be “a mischievous, wry conceptual artist with a canny sensibility” who was “way ahead of her time in giving acute visual form to women’s issues.”

近年、彼女は新たなファンを獲得し、批評家からもより大きな尊敬を集めている。2000年にニューヨークのジャパン・ソサエティで開催された回顧展、『Yes Yoko Ono』が開催され、他の都市でも巡回展示されたが、このことも、この変化の一因となった。ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のマイケル・キンメルマンは、この展覧会がオノさんを「茶目っ気たっぷりで、鋭い感性を持ったシニカルな考え方のアーティスト」であり、「女性の問題を鋭い視覚的な形で表現した、時代に先駆けた存在」であることを明らかにしたと書いている。

(オノ・ヨーコさんの個展"Yes Yoko Ono"---画像はこちらより。「WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT  Love and Peace from John & Yoko」 戦争は終わる! あなたたちがそう願うなら ジョンとヨーコより愛と平和を)

Another wave of appreciation came with the 2021 release of Peter Jackson’s documentary series, “The Beatles: Get Back.” In his depiction of the group’s rehearsals, recording sessions and rooftop performance in January 1969, Ms. Ono made for a riveting presence.



The artists and fans in Central Park weren’t the only ones sending best wishes to Ms. Ono. Her son, Sean Ono Lennon, had set up a website, Wish Tree for Yoko Ono, that allowed people to send their messages online. By Monday afternoon, the site had collected more than 8,400 statements from her fans.


It was not clear to people at the Saturday event if Ms. Ono was at the Dakota or at another one of her residences. “I don’t know if a lot of people know what’s going on with Yoko right now,” Mr. Fouratt said.



Death was the theme of the Yoko Ono exhibition “Ex It,” which was installed last year at the Bank of Lithuania in Kaunas, Lithuania. The show comprised 100 wooden coffins of different sizes. In keeping with most of the artist’s other works, “Ex It” was hopeful: Each coffin had a fruit tree growing out of it.

昨年、リトアニアのカウナスにあるリトアニア銀行で開催されたオノ・ヨーコ展「Ex It」では、「死」がテーマとされた。この展覧会は、大小さまざまな100個の木製の棺で構成されていた。オノの他の作品と同様、"Ex It "は希望に満ちた作品だった。それぞれの棺には果物の木が生えていた。



彼女の個展、「Ex It」は日本の数か所で行われたようでした。見に行かれた方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。



