Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



どんな言語においても、知っている単語の数が多いと話す内容もさらに深いものとなります。また使い方を知らないと、折角覚えた単語でも通じないことがあります。大切なことは意味を知っている単語の数が多くて、それが正しく使えるということだと、ニューヨークタイムズの"Word of the Day"(今日の単語)は強調していました。(昨日のブログです。)


14 Ways to Learn Vocabulary and Explore Language With The New York Time

Eight practical ideas for understanding new words in context — plus six ideas for thinking more deeply about the relationships between language and culture.

By Katherine Schulten and Callie Holtermann

Our vocabulary offerings aim to convince students that learning a word’s definition opens the door to the real fun: spotting patterns in a word’s usage, interrogating its shades of meaning and incorporating it into one’s own vocabulary.


These 14 ideas will show you how to do it, with The New York Times as a resource both for understanding new words in context and for thinking about how language shapes — and is shaped by — our world.


1. Read just one Times article of your choice.

Before you read any further, take a moment to look at the photo above. What words come to mind to describe it? Make a list. For fun, you might even do the exercise alongside someone else, then compare lists to see how many words you have in common.


Why are we doing this? We want to show you that reading just one article of your choice in The New York Times can introduce you to all kinds of new words in an engaging context.


For instance, if you chose the piece about the abandoned houses of Instagram from which we took the image above, you could find words like creepy, decrepit, musty, agape, forlornly, rickety, faux, dilapidated, patina, limbo, succumb and askew. Were any of those words on your list? Are any of them new to you?

例えば、上の画像の出典であるインスタグラムの廃屋に関する記事を選んだとしましょう。creepy、 decrepit、musty、agape、forlornly、rickety、faux、dilapidated、patina、limbo、succumb、askew、といった単語がありますね。これらの言葉はあなたが挙げたリストの中に入っていましたか?あなたにとって今まで知らなかった単語はありましたか?

To find your own articles, think about what sections of the paper are most likely to publish stories you care about: Sports, Style, Food, Politics, Music? Click around: Nearly any Times piece will introduce you to at least a few new words — or show you interesting ways to use words you may be familiar with but haven’t yet incorporated into your own vocabulary.


2. Focus on a single Word of the Day.
 1つのWord of the Day(今日の単語)に集中する。

Visit The Learning Network’s free Word of the Day feature to find a new word each weekday, plus a definition from and an example sentence from The Times. Then, test your understanding by writing a sentence of your own.

「ラーニング・ネットワーク」のセクション無料のWord of the Day進んで、土日以外毎日選ばれている新しい単語を見てみましょう。Vocabulary.comからの定義と(例文として)ニューヨークタイムズに出てくる文を見てみましょう。そして、自分で文を書いて、理解度を試してみましょう。

If you have time to write several sentences, try out “because, but, so” — sentence stems from “The Writing Revolution,” by Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler. These will help you examine a word from different angles. Here’s an example of these stems for the word elated:


The hot air balloon pilot was elated because


The hot air balloon pilot was elated, but


The hot air balloon pilot was elated, so


3. Take an interactive vocabulary quiz.

Here is how a recent quiz about young TikTok food stars begins. What word might you put in the blank? Visit the quiz to find four choices and see if you can pick the best one.

ティックトックの若手フードスターに関する単語クイズの最初の部分です。「空欄にはどんな単語が入るでしょう?」といったものです。クイズにアクセスして4つの選択肢を見つけ、ベストなものを選べるかどうか見てみましょう。→ こちらにあります。


Eitan Bernath, a 19-year-old TikTok star with more than 1.6 million followers, began posting cooking content to the platform in 2019. Like many Generation Z TikTok chefs, he taught himself to cook by watching YouTube and the Food Network. He would share the things he made to Instagram, but never gained much ___.

    friction / impetus / traction / transom





