ニューヨークタイムズでは、Learning Networkというサイトで、主に高校生に様々な学習の機会をコンテストの形で与えています。
特にライティングのコンテストは様々なスタイルがあり、その中の一つがエディトリアル・ライティング(Editorial Writing)コンテストです。エディトリアル(論説文)・ライティングは、自分がジャーナリストになったような気持ちで、真実や主張を伝えるにはどうすればよいかを考えながら書くものです。
学校の先生たちにも教材になるような資料を与えるなど、ニューヨークタイムズが本来の報道の枠を超えて、若者の教育にいかに貢献しているかが分かります。ちなみに第10回目の学生による論説文コンテストでは、全世界から 12,592作品の応募がありました。入選作として11作品が選ばれています。
Chantal de Macedo Eulenstein)さんの作品です。(原文はこちらからです。)
Giving Up on Student Journalism Means Giving Up on Student Voices
We are honoring the Top 11 winners of our Student Editorial Contest by publishing their essays. This one is by Chantal de Macedo Eulenstein, age 16.
Marcus Pennell, left, and Emma Smith display a Pride flag outside Northwest High School in Grand Island, Neb. They both worked on the school’s student newspaper, which administrators shut down. Related ArticleCredit...McKenna Lamoree/The Independent, via Associated Press
Giving Up on Student Journalism Means Giving Up on Student Voices
I almost gave up on student journalism this year.
My high school newspaper’s funding to print (印刷費)had been cut from $3,500 to $0, online readership (読者数)was at an all-time low(過去最低), and our once 13-member staff had been cut to eight. Next year it could be as small as two. Sixty recruitment emails had yielded(もたらした)one response: “I’m good.”
The overlooked (見過ごされている)truth is that student journalism is the rare opportunity students have to find and share their voice. Public schools are a microcosm of the America we see today — nowhere else do all groups of American society come together under a single roof and purpose. Nowhere else do we have such a perfect opportunity to tell untold stories. At its heart, the loss of student journalism means a loss of storytellers, a loss of perspective and a loss of seeing America for what it really is. Across the country student journalism is suffering. Today, 73 percent of New York City high schools don’t have school newspapers. That needs to change.
私の高校新聞の印刷費は3,500ドル(約55万円)から0ドルに減らされ、オンライン読者数は過去最低で、13人いたスタッフは8人に減らされました。来年は2人になるかもしれません。60通のスタッフ募集のメールを送ったところ、返ってきたのは1通だけで、 「結構です。」でした。
Let’s face the facts — Gen Z is less inclined to (する傾向がある)read in the first place(そもそも). At the moment, less than 20 percent of teens report reading a book, magazine or newspaper for daily pleasure, while more than 80 percent report using social media every day. But Gen Z cares about the news; from climate change to school shootings (学校襲撃事件)we have proven time and time again that we are listening. So why the apathy (無関心)toward student journalism?
A part of the problem is that suppressive(抑圧的な) legislation(立法) and restrictive (制限のある)school action targets student newspapers and minimizes the idea that student journalism is the student voice. In August of last year, a Nebraska student newspaper was shut down after publishing two columns on L.G.B.T.Q. issues. This year my own newspaper told the stories of the students affected by the passage (可決)of Senate File 496 by our Iowa State Senate, which, if approved, would require teachers to inform parents of any change in student pronouns. From crafting features to covering walkouts(抗議の授業ボイコット), our newsroom of eight battled injustice.
Yet it is social media, not student journalism, that Gen Z sees today as the opportunity to share their voice. The problem is, no one can tell a story in 60 seconds — at least not a full one.
We deserve the opportunity to share our voices fully, without restriction. As student journalists, we deserve more. More funding, more education, more workshops, more attention.
So no, I’m not giving up. Two-member staff or not, next year I will be part of our school paper, where, as an editor, I will continue to ask the school board for funding. I will never stop fighting for the future of student journalism. For the future of storytelling.
Neither should you.
Works Cited
Akin, Katie. “Iowa Senate Passes Sprawling Schools Bill to Desex Libraries, ‘Put Parents Back in Charge.’” Des Moines Register, 23 March 2023.
Medina, Eduardo. “Nebraska School Shuts Down Student Newspaper After L.G.B.T.Q. Publication.” The New York Times, 30 Aug. 2022.
Sliwa, Jim. “Teens Today Spend More Time on Digital Media, Less Time Reading.” American Psychological Association, 20 Aug. 2018.
Zimmerman, Alex. “73% of NYC High Schools Don’t Have a Newspaper. Efforts Are Growing to Fill in the Gaps.” Chalkbeat New York, 23 Nov. 2022.