Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




今日は、動画を通してニューヨークタイムズの専属論説委員である、アンドリュー・ローゼンタール(Andrew Rosenthal)氏の、ニューヨークタイムズが実施する「論説文ライティングコンテスト」に向けたアドバイスを聞きます。






How to Write an Editorial

My name is Andy Rosenthal. I’m the editor of editorial page of the New York Times, which means I’m in charge of the newspaper's opinion pages, both in print and online. And specifically I’m in charge of the editorial board, which consists of about 18 journalists who are highly experienced, almost all of whom are former reporters. And they each have an area of responsibility that they have to be expert on. 

A good editorial consists of a clear position that’s strongly and persuasively argued. It’s based on principle but it’s also based in fact. I want to give you some pointers on how to write an editorial.

1. Know your bottom lines.

The first one is you have to actuallywwhat you want to say. You have to have a clear 
opinion, what we call, a bottom line.

2. Be concise.
Number 2 is you need to get to the point of your editorial quickly and you have to state it clearly and you have to be concise. Remember you've only got about 400 words to say what you want to say, make your argument, and get out.
3. Give an opinion or solution.
Number three is there's basically two kinds of editorials. One expresses an opinion about a situation like, if you want to write about human rights abuses in some part of the world or some part of the country that you’re concerned about. The other kind of editorial proposes a solution to a specific problem, like for example if you want to write about traffic congestion in northern New Jersey where I live and there’s a lot of traffic you should have an answer to how to fix the traffic problem. 

4. Do your research.

Number four, do our research. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. You’re not entitled to your own facts. Go online, make calls if you can check your information, double-check it. There’s nothing that’s gonna undermine your editorial faster than a fact you got wrong that you did not have to get wrong. 

5. Write clearly.

Number five, good writing is important and make your writing clear and easy to understand. If you’re sending a letter to a well-informed friend who cares about what you think but don’t use any slang, OMG, no. Use examples whenever you can. It’s better to use an example than just to use a word or an adjective that describes something. If you want to say that the mayor’s pre-K policy is wrong, explain how. Don’t say it’s just stupid. In fact, never use the word stupid. 

6. Every writer needs an editor.

Number six, every writer needs an editor after you’ve written your editorial. Give it to someone you trust to read and listen to what they say. If they don’t understand it, that means it’s probably not clear. 

7. Be prepared for a reaction.

The last thing I want to tell you is that when you write something and you publish it, be prepared for a reaction. If you write a good editorial, people are going to respond to it. And if you criticize people, they are definitely going to respond. So, if someone writes you a letter, write them back. Be prepared to defend your position. Don't get defensive. Just explain why you said what you had to say. And if they question your facts, be ready to show that you were right.






5つ目ですが、良い文章を書くことは重要です。明確で分かり安い文章を書いてください。。もしあなたが、あなたの考えを気にかけてくれる情報通の友人に手紙を送るのであれば、スラングは使わないでください。OMG(Oh, my god!)はだめです。できるだけ例を使ってください。何かを説明する単語や形容詞を使うより、例を使う方が良いでしょう。市長の就学前教育政策は間違っていると言いたいのなら、どう間違っているのか説明してください。ただ馬鹿げているといってはだめです。"stupid"という単語は使ってはいけないということです。





