Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



昨日に引き続き、ニューヨーク市のホームページ(こちら)から、市民への"Extreme Heat"(猛暑)の危険性と対策の具体的な方法の説明を読んでいます。




Besides the direct threat to public health, extreme heat can disrupt our infrastructure and impact how we get around in the city. Extreme heat strains (負担をかける)the energy system. The electrical system has higher operating costs and a greater risk of localized outages(供給停止) during heat waves. On our streets and in our public spaces, road material can expand and asphalt can buckle (ゆがむ)during extreme heat events.

Meanwhile, residents that rely on (依存している)the subway and other public transit systems could suffer during hot days. Walking and biking may be unsafe in extreme temperatures, particularly on streets and sidewalks without shade. Though many subway cars are cooled, subway platforms can reach dangerously high temperatures. The MTA requires trains to slow down during intense heat to protect rail lines. Critical communication infrastructure can also overheat. If there is a power outage due to extreme heat, sections of the transit network can stop running.



Interactive Heat Vulnerability Index

Hot weather is dangerous. In New York City – and across the country – more people die from heat than from all other natural disasters combined. As our climate continues to warm, we expect more heat events that can put people’s lives at risk.

In New York City, the risk of death from heat is unfairly(不平等に) distributed(分布している)across neighborhoods. We identified neighborhood environmental and social factors associated with increased risk to create a heat vulnerability index. This can identify neighborhoods at highest risk and help inform neighborhood-level policies and programs that can protect people - sending resources to where they're needed the most.



The Heat Vulnerability Index (HVI) shows neighborhoods whose residents are more at risk for dying during and immediately following extreme heat. It uses a statistical model to summarize (まとめる)the most important social and environmental factors that contribute to neighborhood heat risk. The factors included in the HVI are surface temperature, green space, access to home air conditioning, and the percentage of residents who are low-income or non-Latinx Black. Differences in these risk factors across neighborhoods are rooted in past and present racism.

Neighborhoods are scored from 1 (lowest risk) to 5 (highest risk). The neighborhood you selected is outlined in blue. Hover over the map to see each neighborhood's heat vulnerability score.


近隣地域は、1(最も危険度が低い)から5(最も危険度が高い) までのスコアで表示されます。選択した地域は青色で囲まれています。地図上にカーソルを置くと、各地域の熱脆弱性スコアが表示されます。

Remember, all neighborhoods have residents at risk for heat illness and death. A neighborhood with low vulnerability does not mean no risk.




