106 years ago, New York women voted for the first time
By 6sqft
November 5, 2024
Suffragists marching, probably in New York City in. New York, 1915.
[Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress
With New Yorkers and the nation showing up (姿を現した)to the polls in record numbers this year, it’s hard to imagine a time when women could not vote. About 106 years ago today, Catherine Ann Smith was among the first women to vote in the state of New York, as the New York Times previously reported. Smith joined Mary Waver at the front of the line, both casting their ballots in the early hours of November 5, 1918.
Women in the state of New York won the right to vote in 1917, three years earlier than the ratification of the 19th Amendment(憲法修正第19条の批准I. At this time, New York was the most populous (人口の多い)jstate in the nation, according to the New York Times.
It’s important to note, though, that by 1917, women in these 11 states had already received this right: Wyoming (1890), Colorado (1893), Utah (1896), Idaho (1896), Washington (1910), California (1911), Arizona (1912), Kansas (1912), Oregon (1912), Montana (1914), Nevada (1914). In 1913, women in Illinois were allowed to vote solely for the President.
今年、記録的な数のニューヨーク市民と国民の有権者がて投票所に足を運んだことを考えると、女性が選挙権を持はかった時代があったとは想像しにくいことです。 およそ106年前の今日(11月5日)、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙が以前に報じたように、キャサリン・アン・スミスはニューヨーク州で初めて選挙権を行使した女性の一人でした。 スミスはメアリー・ウェイバーと一緒に列の先頭に並び、1918年11月5日の早朝に投票を行いました。
Pre-election parade for suffrage in NYC, in which 20,000 women marched. 1915. [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress
However, women (and men, too!) in New York had been at the center of women’s suffrage(参政権) for decades. In fact, on October 23, 1915, tens of thousands of women, all dressed in white, marched nearly three miles along Fifth Avenue from Washington Square to 59th Street, becoming the largest suffrage parade to date(今日まで). And on November 5, 1918, their passion came to fruition(実を結ぶこと).
Smith had a family connection to the voting booth on that day: Her husband, Alfred E. Smith, would be elected governor by the close of the day–enough reason to show up a half-hour before the polls opened at 5:30 a.m. at Public School 1 at Oliver and Henry Streets in Lower Manhattan. The candidate’s mother, Katherine, waited until after breakfast to cast a vote for her son in Brooklyn.
The aforementioned(前述の)early birds weren’t the only women flocking (群がる) to the polls; suffragettes were eager to exercise their hard-won right to determine the course of American democracy.
Mary Garrett Hay remarked after voting on Manhattan’s West Side, “It seemed as natural as breathing,” she said, “and I felt as though I had always voted.”