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「手取りが増える」かもしれないのは、トランプ氏の〇〇〇に関する公約のお陰? - Talking New York 

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New Yorkers Debate Tipping as Trump and Harris Propose No-Tax on Tips - Eater NY




‘No Tax on Tips’ Has Become a Lightning Rod (避雷針)Election Issue for New York Hospitality

The policy supported by both presidential candidates could mean tipping creates more tension between cooks and servers — and expands beyond restaurants

by Melissa McCart  Sep 10, 2024



No matter where you land on the political spectrum (政治的勢力分布), it seems one thing New Yorkers can agree on is that tipping culture has gotten out of control (手に負えない), permeating (浸透する)every corner of the service and retail industries, from coffee shops to grocery stores and self-checkout lines. And now it has become a hot-button issue (争点)of the 2024 presidential election.

あなたがどれほど民主党より、あるいは共和党よりであろうと、ニューヨーカーたちが同意できることのひとつは、チップの文化がどうしようもないことになっていて、サービス業や小売業のあらゆる場所に浸透しているということです。 コーヒーショップから食料品店、セルフレジの列まで、あらゆる場所に広がっています。そして今、チップの文化は2024年の大統領選挙の争点となっています。

Ahead of the presidential debate tonight, Tuesday, September 10, rising prices and the shifting conversation around tipping has led to both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris proposing a policy to exclude tips from federal income tax. The Trump campaign has stressed it on the platform, but has not yet released the details of its plan. The Harris campaign says it may exempt tips from income tax only for those making less than $75,000 a year, according to the Washington Post.


Today, many diners don’t know how to navigate, or even think about, tipping. In an edition of the New York Times “The Daily” podcast from late last month, co-host Ben Casselman reveals his own tipping anxiety to co-host Sabrina Tavernise: “You see these tip screens in places you never would have tipped before... if I click ‘No Tip,’ am I a bad person?”


When it comes to tipping, “It’s emotional. It’s cultural,” the Daily hosts point out. “And right now, we have no idea what [the] norms are.” So it’s no surprise that tipping has become a lightning rod in this year’s presidential election, as tips — and their ongoing role in essentially subsidizing (補助金を払う)wages — are causing new tensions.


The issue is as polarizing(両極端に分かれる) as anything else when it comes to politics, even when candidates agree. “This plan will create resentment (恨み)between the front and back of the house in my workplace,” says Ned Baldwin, owner of Houseman in Hudson Square. “In this plan, cooks will pay taxes on their income but the servers, largely, will not. The plan seems arbitrary (きまぐれな)and unfair to the restaurant as a whole.”


No tax on tips “is not the way to do it,” argues Baldwin. “We need to establish a new set of rules.”




