ブログで、屋上農園を経営しているニューヨークのソーシャル・エンタープライズである、"Brokklyn Grange"(ブルックリン・グランジ)について読んできました。その中で、何回か出てきた"CSA"という言葉。昨日の動画にもありましたが、"Community Supported Agriculture"です。まだ、日本ではなじみがないため、訳語が定着していないかもしれませんが、「地域に支えられた農業」、「地域密着型農業」が近いかなと思います。
Find the best community-supported agriculture (CSAs), where you can get fresh veggies, fruit and eggs from nearby farms
By Will Sable Courtney
Photograph: Shutterstock
If there’s one downside to living in NYC (beyond the sky-high rent), it’s that many virtues of the country—fresh air, open roads, food straight off the farm—often seem so far out of reach. Luckily, CSAs are changing that last one by connecting farmers and city residents, giving the former a steady, direct source for their products and the latter easy access to the bounty of the land.
This means no more dealing with those color-coded lines at Whole Foods or other grocery stores. Much of the food CSAs provide is organic and almost all of it is from small, (fairly) local farms—so while you may pay a little more for this food than you might at Key Food, you can be sure your dollars are doing a lot more good, and your dishes are becoming a bit more delicious.
CSAで提供される作物の多くは有機栽培でほとんどが小規模で(そこそこ)近郊の農場で生産されています。ですから”Key Food"よりもほんの少し高いくらいで買えますし、お財布にとってはずっとお得感はあると思います。お料理はよりおいしくなりますから。
「ニューヨークのCSA10選」ということですが、その中から特に一番に取り上げられていた、チェルシー地区のCSAをご紹介しますね!引用は同様に、"The 10 Best CSAs in New York」です。
The Chelsea CSA is a partnership between Stoneledge Farm in South Cairo, NY and community members of Chelsea on the West Side of Manhattan. Chelsea CSA enables members of all economic backgrounds to enjoy farm-fresh organic vegetables while supporting local agriculture.
We receive space and support services for this effort from Hudson Guild, a non-profit settlement house serving Chelsea since 1895. The Chelsea CSA project was begun in May 2000 by a Hudson Guild staff member working with Just Food. Chelsea CSA has since transitioned to an all-volunteer effort which depends on shareholder support for continued success of current “locavore” offerings and development of new ones.
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