Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語






Is Everyone Judging You at the Gym?

“Gymtimidation” is real, but that shouldn’t stop you from working out. Here are some tips.

"ジムティミデーション "は実際存在しますが、だからといってワークアウトを止めるべきではありません。いくつかアドバイスがあります。

By Amanda Loudin

You’ve wanted to join a gym for ages, but the thought of being the new kid on the strength blocks makes your palms sweat. You worry everyone will be sporting six packs, lifting heavy weights and sharing high fives — not to mention watching and judging you. Rest assured, you are in good company.


A 2019 survey, conducted by the market research firm OnePoll on behalf of a company that makes protein drinks, polled 2,000 Americans and found that around half of them experienced some form of anxiety about joining a gym, or what some playfully call “gymtimidation.”

プロテインドリンクを製造する会社が市場調査会社「ワンポール」に依頼した2019年の調査で、対象となった2,000人のアメリカ人の約半数がジムに通うことに何らかの不安を感じていること、また面白半分に "ジムティミデーション "(gym+intimidation(威圧)"と呼ばれていることもあるがわかりました。

Another survey found that women in particular report having concerns about working out at the gym. The phenomenon is so widespread, even Planet Fitness has created a tagline promoting a “judgement-free zone.”


The reasons for such fears are myriad, including not feeling fit enough, poor body image, a lack of knowledge about fitness equipment or terminology and social anxiety. “The sense of intimidation layers over top the fact that you’re entering a new environment,” said Meghan Wieser, a certified strength and conditioning coach at Recharge: Modern Health and Fitness in Maryland.


But by avoiding the gym, you’re selling yourself short. Having access to trainers, equipment and community can all lead to a longer, healthier life. And if you developed the habit of going regularly, you might even find that you enjoy the gym life.


“Start by reminding yourself that everyone at the gym has had a first day,” Dr. Wieser said, “and that fitness is for everyone.” By reframing your relationship with dumbbells, treadmills and sweaty rooms, you can overcome gymtimidation and begin a lifelong fitness habit.


Overcome your fears.

Latoya Shauntay Snell, a food and fitness content creator in Brooklyn, has been going to the gym for a decade, visiting three times a week for power lifting and cardio training. Yet even now, Ms. Snell experiences some anxiety entering a gym, especially if she is traveling and using a new facility.


“I’m a Black woman of size, and when you ask people what they picture when they think of an athlete, I’m not it,” Ms. Snell, 37, said. “So it’s easy to find myself in a space of intimidation at a gym.


But Ms. Snell has long since learned to manage those feelings, she said. One of her favorite strategies for overcoming anxiety about going to a new gym is to spend the first week there learning the lay of the land. “Do some upfront research into what type of equipment and exercise you would enjoy and would benefit you,” Ms. Snell said. “Also get to know the staff through a gym tour.”


Tours are standard at most gyms, and Ms. Snell likens them to “a big hug,” as they give her a chance to ask questions that she might have been too nervous to ask otherwise. “It gives you an invitation to be new,” she said.

入会体験はほとんどのジムでやっています。スネールさんはそれを「大きなハグ」に例えています。入会体験以外では緊張して聞けないような質問でも聞ける機会があるからです。彼女は、入会体験は、「新しい自分になるための招待状 」だと言っています。


Become a regular.

As you work up the courage to try a new gym, remind yourself that getting comfortable in an unfamiliar setting may take some time. Doing so will help you better ease into the routine,  Pam Moore, a personal trainer., said.. “If you’re staying away because you’re afraid,” she said, “take the time to get comfortable and observe — maybe walk on the treadmill for a few days, to people-watch and learn.” 


If wandering makes you uncomfortable, create a clear plan beforehand of what you want to do. Apps like CardioCast (for aerobic sessions) or Fitbod (for strength sessions) can suggests routines and exercises tailored to your goals. But make those goals attainable.


More often than not, a gym experience will leave you pleasantly surprised, and overcoming your fears can be empowering. “With anything new, the price of admission is often feeling uncomfortable,” Ms. Moore said. “But once you’re into the routine of going to the gym, you’ll see yourself differently, and your habit will become a source of pride.”




