Prompt 3: A Castle Appears
The following prompt was given to fourth graders.
One morning a child looks out the window and discovers that a huge castle has appeared overnight. The child rushes outside to the castle and hears strange sounds coming from it. Someone is living in the castle!
The castle door creaks open. The child goes in.
Write a story about who the child meets and what happens inside the castle.
Essay 1: John the knight
“Wow a castle!” said John. He had know clue (ヒント)of how it got here or where it came from? He walked inside and found that it was rather damp(じめじめしている). He wandered around until finally he saw someone. This person didn’t look normal. He was dressed in royalty with a purple cape and a crown of jewels. Then the person spoke out. “There you are you’re supposed to be training right now.” John had know clue what he was talking about. Suddenly he thought of something, was this the King of the castle? He finally got the nerve(大胆にも) to ask a question. He asked “Who are you”. He answered “I’m the King.” John was shocked. Then the King told him to get on his armor(よろい). John thought and thought. Then he knew what he was talking about. He thought he was a knight. John thought again. If he was to be a knight then he would never see his family again. Then he thought of his older sister, Jennifer. He decided to be a knight. After about 2 months he finally was knighted(騎士になった). He fought many dragons and man. He finally died but is still a legend today. The end.
Human child
物語1 騎士ジョン
「わあ、お城だ!」ジョンは言った。彼はそれがどうやってここにあるのか、どこから来たのか見当もつかなかった。中に入ってみると、そこはかなりじめじめしていた。彼は歩き回り、ついに人を見つけた。その人物は普通の人には見えなかった。紫色のマントを羽織り、宝石の冠をかぶった王族風の服装だった。そしてその人物が話しかけてきた。「ここにいたのか......今トレーニングをしているはずだが...... 。」ジョンは何のことかわからなかった。突然、彼はひらめいた。これは城の王ではないか?彼はついに勇気を出して質問した。あなたは誰ですか?彼は「私は王だ」と答えた。ジョンはとても驚いた。王は鎧を着るように言った。ジョンは考え込んだ。そして、彼が何のことを話しているのかがわかった。彼は自分を騎士だと思っているのだ。ジョンはもう一度考えた。もし自分が騎士になったら、家族にはもう二度と会えない。そして、姉のジェニファーのことを思い出した。彼は騎士になることを決めた。約2ヵ月後、彼はついに騎士になった。彼は多くのドラゴンや人間と戦った。彼はついに死んだが、今日でも伝説となっている。終わり。
Essay 2: A dragon named Sparky
One morning a child looks out the window and discovers that a huge castle has appeared over knight. The child rushes outside to the castle and hears strange sounds coming from it. Someone is living in the castle! The castle door creaks open and the child goes in. The child walks into the castle and is amazed by what they see. The walls are made of shiny stones, and there are torches burning along the walls, casting a warm glow (輝き)on the room. The child hears a voice calling out from deep inside the castle. “Is anyone there?” the child calls out. “Yes, I’m here!” the voice says. The child follows the voice until they come to a room with a big fireplace. Inside the fireplace, the child sees a small, friendly-looking dragon. “Hello!” the dragon says. “I'm Sparky, I’m the only one who lives here in the castle, I've been all alone for a very long time.” The child is amazed. They have never seen a real dragon before. “Do you want to be friends?” the dragon asks. The child nods and smiles, “Yes, I would love to be friends with you, Sparky.” Sparky is so happy to have a new friend, he shows the child all around the castle. They play games and explore the castle together. The child has the best day of their lie, and they can't wait to come back and visit Sparky again!
Human child
ある朝、子供が窓の外を見ると、巨大な城が出現していた。慌てて外に飛び出すと、城から奇妙な音が聞こえてくる。誰かが城に住んでいるのだ!城のドアがギシギシと音を立てて開き、その子は中に入る。その子は城の中に入り、見て驚く。壁は光沢のある石でできており、壁に沿って松明が燃えていて、部屋に暖かい光を投げかけている。その子は城の奥から呼ぶ声を聞く。「誰かいるの?」とその子は聞く。「うん、ここにいるよ!」と声がする。大きな暖炉のある部屋に着くまで、その子はその声を追いかける。暖炉の中に、その子は小さくて人懐っこそうなドラゴンを見る。「こんにちは!」ドラゴンは言う。「僕はスパーキー、このお城に住んでいるのは僕だけなんだ。長い間ずっと一人ぼっちだったんだ。」その子は驚いた。本物のドラゴンを見るのは初めてなのだ。「友達にならない?」とそのドラゴンは言った。その子はうなずいて微笑む。「うん、友達になりたいよ、スパーキー。」 スパーキーは新しい友達ができてとても喜び、その子を城のあちこちに案内する。二人は一緒にゲームをしたり、城を探検したりする。その子は今までで最高の一日を過ごし、またスパーキーに会いに来るのが待ちきれない!
Essay 3: Tsharra explores
Once there was a little girl who had looked out of her bedroom window. Her name, was Tsharra. She was only 5 yrs. old. Tsharra spotted a castle right in front of her house. So she decided to explore. She went to the front of the castle and a chain wood door opened. It sounded like it needed oil on the hinges(ちょうつがい). Tsharra stepped her tiny foot in. She looked straight ahead and saw a velvit red thrown on the ground. It has 3 steps that leaded to a marble(大理石の) deck. There were 2 tall chairs and in them were a king and queen. The king and queen wore golden sparkly crows with lots of diamonds and jewls. They both wore purple velvet caps that went all the way around them. Tsharra was amazed she was starring straight in the eyes of a real king and queen. The king and queen had not a son or daughter. The king and queen were whispering back and forth. Should we keep her said one. Sure said the other. We should adapt her by tomorrow. Tsharra heard them. She’s ours. She stayed in the castle over night. In the morning she was adapted and the little family lived happily ever after.
Human child
かつて、寝室の窓から外を眺めていた少女がいた。彼女の名前はツシャーラ。まだ5歳だった。ツシャーラは家のすぐ前にお城を見つけた。そこで彼女は探検することにした。城の前に行くと、鎖でつながれた木の扉が開いた。ちょうつがいに油が必要なような音がした。ツシァーラは小さな足を踏み入れた。まっすぐ前を見ると、ベルベットの赤いじゅうたんが地面に敷かれていた。そこには3段の階段があり、大理石のデッキにつながっていた。背の高い椅子が2つあり、そこに王と王妃が座っていた。王と王妃はダイヤモンドと宝石がたくさんついた金色のきらびやかな王冠を付けていた。二人とも紫のベルベットのケープを羽織っていて、それはまわりの床まで続いていた。ツシャーラは、自分が本物の王と王妃の目をまっすぐ見つめていることに驚いた。王と王妃には息子も娘もいなかった。王と王妃はささやき合っていた。一人が言った。もう一人は言った。明日までに彼女を養女にしよう ツシャーラはそれを聞いていた。彼女は我々のものだ。彼女は一晩城に留まった。朝になると、彼女は養女となり、小さな家族はずっと幸せに暮らした。
"starromg"→"staring" ("stare"見つめる)
"had not"→"din't have"
"back and forth"→"to each other"
"adapt" →"adopt"
”Essay 4: Sir James and Alice
The child’s name is Alice and she is very curious (興味がある)
. She walks into the castle and sees a knight in shining armor(よろい)
. The knight is holding a sword(剣) and is practicing his sword skills.
Alice watches the knight for a moment and then walks up to him. The knight is surprised to see her and asks her what she is doing in the castle. Alice tells him that she woke up to find the castle in her backyard and wanted to explore it.
The knight introduces himself as Sir James and tells Alice that he has been living in the castle for many years. He tells her that the castle is magical and that it can take her to different worlds.
Alice is amazed and asks Sir James if he can take her to one of these worlds. Sir James says that he can, but only if she is brave enough. Alice says she is brave and Sir James takes her to a world full of dragons.
Alice is scared at first, but she quickly learns that the dragons are friendly and she even gets to ride one. She has the best adventure of her life and can’t wait to see what other worlds the castle has to offer.
Human child