Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





Puppets of New York | Museum of the City of New York

Puppets of New York explores the extraordinary, surprising, and diverse history of New York City’s quirkiest residents. Puppets traveled with migrant communities from across the globe as they made their way to the city. Like other New Yorkers, they both enriched the metropolis and were transformed by it, as they encountered the heady mix of other puppetry traditions, practices, and languages that also made New York City home. 


From Punch and Judy to Oscar the Grouch; from Lamb Chop to The Lion King; from Lunar New Year to the Thanksgiving Day parade, the marionettes, shadow figures, and rod and hand puppets of New York have regaled our stages, studios, and streets. They have been broadcast all across the globe, and over time have reshaped the puppetry traditions of many cultures.

Jim Henson and Julie Taymor, Basil Twist and Theodora Skipitares, Ralph Lee and Pura Belpré, Great Small Works and Teatro SEA are just some the influential puppeteers featured in Puppets of New York, an exhibition poised to bring joy and awe, live performances and panels, workshops and movies to people of all ages.


CBSニューヨークが次のようにニュースでとりあげました。(You Tubeより)

Puppets Of New York: Gallery Showcases History And Lasting Power Of Art Form

The power of puppetry is on display at the Museum of the City of New York.
Culture, politics and art combine in this exhibit featuring more than 100 puppets all with strong ties to New York City. CBS 2's Dave Carlin reports. 

ニューヨーク市博物館で、人形劇の力が展示されています。ニューヨークと強い絆で結ばれた 100 体以上の人形が飾られたこの展示では、文化、政治、芸術が融合しています。CBS 2のデイヴ・カーリンがレポートします。

I am in a museum. 


Lamb Chop greets visitors to this gallery at the museum of the City of New York for "Puppets of New York".  
Amazing! What I can accomplish!


She is perpetually six years old.  A puppet star created in the 1950s by Parkchester, the Bronx native Shari Lewis. 

彼女は永久に6歳です。ブロンクスのパークチェスター 出身のシャリ・ルイスが1950年代に作ったパペットスターです。

She knew how to dance, she knew how to sing, she knew magic. It was like an incredible package.


New business really really well. Curator Lopez gives us this tour, pointing out Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade balloons are upside down marionettes. Some puppets here need no introductions. 


Jim Hanson tailored his character based on a very rude tavern waiter in lower Manhattan.


Well, my name is Oscar The Grouch.


 And the voice of Sesame street's Oscar The Grouch is based on a Bronx cab driver. Some of New York City's first known puppets came packed in the luggage of European immigrants like Punch and Judy. 


Punch is a rabble-rouser. He gets away with murder. Literally some of the first records that 
we have here in New York City about puppets are basically arrest records. Cops were arresting puppeteers because they were performers without permits and creating trouble.


Chinese shadow figures are probably the second oldest puppeteer tradition in New York City. And here you get to see how shadow puppets work because right over here on the other side of the exhibit is a look behind the scenes of the puppeteers.


These puppets are a Mouse and Cockroach from the imagination of a story-teller and New York City librarian, Pura Belpre, popular beginning in the 1930s, the offbeat story of Perez and Matilda.


They get married and then one day she's cooking soup for him and he goes to taste it, he drops into the soup and he dies. This is a story you liked growing up. That's really dark. It's really right. Candid even subversive messaging is common. 


The daughter of the later Shari Lewis , Mallory Lewis, had her sister Lamb Chop explain. 


One of the ways that Shari spok the truth was she spoke the truth through me.  


"25 presidents all men, not one got the job right."


Puppets make us laugh, move us to tears and speak truth to power. These bold creatures have and always will make up the very fabric of New York City.  


Dave Carlin, CBS 2 News. 

CBS 2ニュースのデイヴ:カーリンでした。

Shari LewissさんとLamb Chop

Oscar the Grouch



