→New Yorkの郵便ポストは青。「郵便ポスト」って英語では?
U.S. Mailと書いてありましたが、どこにも投函口がありません。しかも、かなり頑丈そうなものです。
"THE NEW YORK TIMES"の次のような記事を見つけました!
New York Today: Mysterious Mailboxes What are these?
By Alexandra S. Levine
July 21, 2017
ニューヨークトゥデイ:ミステリアスなメールボックス これは一体何?
Have you ever walked, letter in hand, to what you thought was a post office mailbox, only to find it sealed shut?
(We have.) あるある・・・でしょ。
Did you notice the mailbox was green, not blue?
There are about 10,000 dark green boxes across the five boroughs that are marked U.S. MAIL, but they’re not for mailing letters.
We asked the United States Postal Service to learn why these green boxes exist and why they’re bolted shut.
ニューヨークの5つの地区にこうしたグリーンのボックスが約1万個あるんです。そして"U.S. MAIL"って書いてあるんだけど、どうも手紙を投函するものじゃないようなのです。
They’re called “relay boxes” and they are used by letter carriers — like a cubbyhole, or a safe, for mail delivery.
“In New York City, they’re a big part of the way we get people their mail every day,” said Xavier Hernandez, a spokesman for the Postal Service (which began operating on this week in 1775).
Postal workers delivering mail around the city, who can carry only so much at once, will take large loads to the relay boxes, store the mail inside, and then return several times a day to retrieve more mail to deliver along their route. (Look closely and you’ll see the words “relay mail” or “storage box” in small letters on the box.)
When these storage boxes were introduced in the city about 100 years ago, all mailboxes were green, according to the Postal Service historian, Jenny Lynch. It was only later, in 1955, that the “collection boxes” — where we still drop our mail today — turned red, white and blue, and later became all blue.
(The green boxes are not specific to New York City; you can find them in other metropolitan areas across the country.)
Mail volume has declined considerably since the green boxes were first installed, Mr. Hernandez said. So will these boxes disappear in the future?
“There are currently no plans to stop using those relay boxes,” he told us. “They play a really critical role in making sure that the mail is on the street every day that we deliver — six out of seven days a week.”
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