Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



「ボデガ」はひとことで言うと、色々なものを売っている街の小さなお店です。間口は小さいですが、入るとかなり奥行があるものが多いです。ニューヨークを舞台にしたドラマや映画では、必ずといっていいほど登場します。最近では、『イン・ザ・ハイツ("In The Heights")』というミュージカルの中で主人公が働いている店がボデガです。犯罪もののドラマの中では、"bodega"という単語がよく出てきます。

今日は、"Untapped New York"の特集記事を読みます。

The NYC Bodega: A History of Violence and Resilience - Untapped New York


You probably won’t find Jesus next to ketchup and mayonnaise anywhere but a New York City bodega where the city’s character, diversity, and history are embodied in a physical space. Morning to night and night into morning, bodegas are open, offering an assortment of goods including New York’s famous Chopped Cheese sandwich, as well as the head-turning bodega cat.




The Spanish term “bodega,” dating back to the 1840s, originally referred to wine cellars, the hull of ships, and warehouses. Today in the United States, the word “bodega” refers to New York’s owner-operated convenience stores, often run by Yemeni and Latino immigrants. Francisco Marte, founder and president of the Bodega and Small Business Association, told Untapped New York that the bodega is an “extension of the home.”

「ボデガ」というのはスペイン語で、その歴史は1840年代にさかのぼる。もともとはワインセラーや船体、倉庫などのことだった。現在、合衆国では、イエメン人やラテンアメリカ系移民が経営するニューヨークのオーナー制コンビニエンスストアを指すことが多い。「ボデガ・アンド・スモールビジネス連盟(Bodega and Small Business Association)」の創設者兼会長であるフランシスコ・マルテ(Francisco Marte)氏は、アンタップド・ニューヨークの取材に対し、ボデガは 「家庭の延長 」だと語っている。

MisTy says: 看板が"Convenience Store"ではなく、"Convenient Store"になっているのがユニークです。

The distinction between a corner store and a bodega is difficult to explain. Marte, though, knows exactly what sets a bodega apart from any other store: If customers do not have money for food or diapers, the bodeguero will find a way for them to leave the store with those items; if a customer is stressed out, the bodeguero is there to listen; and if a customer is new to the city, a bodega is a place to create new relationships. That’s a bodega. Always there, always open, and always sympathetic to those in need.


The New York bodega, a dynamic embodiment of the American dream, has a complex history, traversing centuries and borders. Despite its status as an iconic and essential New York institution, bodegas have often faced violence when trying to accomplish their mission to serve the city.


The origins of the New York City Bodega

In 1902, The Sun reported that New York City would soon have its first bodega, which the paper described as a “barroom” originating from Spain. The demand for such a place arose as a result of American travel to Europe. The modern New York City bodega, though, is not a bar, nor is it European. The modern bodega tradition finds its origins in a mix of New York, Dominican, Puerto Rican, Yemeni, and other immigrant cultures. More recently, Immigrants from Egypt, Korea, the Philippines, and more have carried on the bodega tradition as well.


Bodega cat - Wikipedia

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene considers bodega cats a "general deficiency", citing concerns over the potential they pose for food contamination. Under Chapter 23 of the Food Service Establishment Violation Penalty Schedule, establishments selling food that keep live animals that are not service animals or fish kept in tanks are subject to a fine ranging from $200 to $350. Despite this, cats remain a ubiquitous presence at many of the more than 10,000 bodegas across New York City; The New York Times reports that many bodega owners keep cats in spite of the law because they are seen as preferable to rodent infestations, which also carry a fine of $300.




