昨日のブログで、ニューヨークのウォーターフロントにできる新しい公園についての記事の中で、"the Parks Department opened 50 Kent as a pop-up park,...."(公園局はケント50をポップアップパークとしてオープンしました)という部分がありました。
今日の内容は、公園ではなく、"open streets"(オープンストリート)のことです。「ニューヨークでは、特に、道路は車のためだけではなく、人のためにあるのだ。だから道路をもっと広い意味で、『色々なことができる場』ととらえよう。」という考えからできた言葉です。記事を読んで、"open streets"のイメージをつかみましょう。
Pop-up pools proposed for NYC’s open streets this summer
Last year, New York City public beaches and pools did not open until July because of the coronavirus pandemic. This year, city comptroller and mayoral candidate Scott Stringer wants to make sure New Yorkers from all boroughs can enjoy the summer season by making pools, beaches, and the city’s waterfront more accessible. In a proposal announced on Tuesday, Stringer called on the city to bring a series of pop-up pools to Open Streets and vacant lots in neighborhoods that lack green space.
去年ニューヨークシティのビーチとプールはコロナウィルスパンデミックのために7月までオープンしませんでした。今年は、市の会計監査役で(来期の)市長候補であるスコット・スティンガー氏は、プールやビーチ、そしてウォーターフロントにもっと生きやすくして すべての行政区から来るニューヨーカーが夏をエンジョイできるようにしたいと考えています。火曜日に公表されたプロポーザルの中で、スティンガー氏は緑地の少ない住宅街のオープンストリートと空き地にポップアッププールをいくつか作ることを市に要求しました。
“Our kids and families are so desperate for fun, and we absolutely have to give that to them this summer,” Stringer, who is calling on the city to pilot a pop-up pool program this summer, said.
The proposal would include the use of “dumpster pools,” mobile containers retrofitted for swimming. Street swimming is not an entirely new idea in New York, with dumpster pools seen in Gowanus in 2009, on Park Avenue between 40th and 41st Streets in 2010 as part of the city’s Summer Streets initiative, and at Brooklyn Bridge Park in 2013.
If elected mayor, Stringer said his administration would build up to three floating pools as designed by the nonprofit +POOL, which has developed a way to self-filter the East River into water safe for swimming.
Other proposals in Stringer’s “Summer in the City” plan include opening city pools and beaches on time this season, expanding free swimming lessons for children and young people, and providing free sunscreen at pools, parks, playgrounds, and beaches. The candidate is also calling on the city to design new and improve existing bike routes to beaches, as well as expand bike parking there.
“We need to open our pools and beaches as soon as possible this year, and we need to keep them open until the last day we can — and we need to bring the fun to every corner of the city with pop-up pools. For the long term, I believe that having + Pools in the city’s waterfront will create places for New Yorkers to swim that are unlike anything anywhere else in the world.”
On Wednesday, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced public city beaches will open for the season starting on Memorial Day Weekend and the 48 public pools will open on June 26.
PLAY NYC at 34th Avenue Open Street
October 8, 2020, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Recurring Events (See all)
Join us at the 34th Avenue Open Street between 92nd Street and 94th Street in Jackson Heights, Queens every Thursday, as we deploy PLAY NYC. This new program offers safe, hands-free play for children on closed-off streets, including a no-touch obstacle course, exercise activities, and learning experiences. Today’s event is hosted by the 34th Ave Open Streets Coalition. PLAY NYC made possible with support from SPIN.
2020年10月8日 午後2:00~5:00 プレイNYC(毎週開催イベント) 34丁目オープンストリートにおいて
(注: SPINは卓球を楽しむ団体です。ホームページはこちらです。)