A good day for libraries
By James Barron
June 30, 2023
Justin Kaneps for The New York Times
Librarians were happy. Transit advocates, less so.
Mayor Eric Adams and the City Council speaker, Adrienne Adams, agreed to a $107 billion budget deal on Thursday after months of wrangling over which city services to prioritize.
The mayor had wanted broad spending reductions in what he called “a budget cycle dominated by great challenges and unexpected crises,” including the migrant crisis, new labor contracts with city employees and an uncertain commercial real estate market, which could reduce municipal revenues. The Council’s Progressive Caucus countered that cuts would be devastating.
With a $5 billion budget gap projected for fiscal 2025 and even larger deficits forecast for the two years after that, some watchdogs said that the budget agreement should have done more to trim the sails. What they settled on “is essentially a one-year budget that again unfortunately delays the wise but hard choices needed to stabilize the city’s fiscal future,” said Andrew Rein, president of the independent Citizens Budget Commission.
Under the budget agreement, funding for several Council priorities that the mayor had targeted was restored — among them the city’s three public library systems.
After warning that the proposed cuts would mean many branch libraries would have to close on weekends, the libraries started a campaign to increase support, with social media posts from celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker and Chelsea Clinton. Outside the main branch of the New York Public Library in Manhattan, a large banner appeared that read “No Cuts to Libraries.”
これらの市立図書館の予算が削減されると多くの分館が週末に閉鎖されることになると警告してから、図書館は支持を高めるキャンペーンを開始し、(女優の)サラ・ジェシカ・パーカーやチェルシー・クリントンといった有名人たちがソーシャルメディアに投稿した。マンハッタンにあるニューヨーク公共図書館の本館の外には、"No Cuts to Libraries "(図書館の予算削減反対)と書かれた横断幕が掲げられた。
The top officials of the three systems said on Thursday that they were “thrilled” with the outcome.
“Amid unprecedented attempts to ban books and silence diverse voices,” they said, “New York City has sent a clear message about the power of public libraries.” The officials — Linda Johnson, the president of the Brooklyn Public Library; Anthony Marx, the president of the New York Public Library; and Dennis Walcott, the president of the Queens Public Library — also said in a joint statement that they were “tremendously grateful” to the mayor.
The Council had pushed for $60 million to expand the Fair Fares NYC Program, which provides discount MetroCards for low-income New Yorkers. The budget agreement called for only $20 million more.
Lisa Daglian, the executive director of the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the M.T.A., said that was not enough. “It’s a drop in the bucket,” she said, adding that her group would continue to press to change “too-low eligibility criteria that are not reflective of the cost of living in New York City.”
The mayor had also pushed to cut education programs at Rikers — cuts that he said on Thursday were in the budget agreement. “All of those services we can do internally,” he told reporters at City Hall. He called it “an insult” to Correction Department employees to suggest otherwise.
Carlina Rivera, who chairs the City Council’s Committee on Criminal Justice, said the cuts reinforced the impression that the mayor and the Correction Department wanted to avoid outside scrutiny of Rikers. In recent months, the administration has restricted an oversight board’s access to video camera footage from Rikers and has stopped alerting reporters when detainees have died.
「ニューヨーク公共図書館 エクス・リブリス」Ex Libris--The New York Public Library のレヴュー。 - Talking New York