"BRC"は"Bowery Residents' Committee"の略でした。
For nearly 50 years, BRC has worked to break the cycle of homelessness in New York City. We help people reclaim lives lost, restoring hope and dignity by offering opportunities for health and self-sufficiency.
Our Origin 始まり
New York City's Bowery neighborhood once was a place where people went to hide from their problems, finding refuge in makeshift shelters and flophouses that offered little more than four-foot by six-foot cubicles with chicken wire roofs, dingy mattresses, and a single bare lightbulb.
The men on the Bowery - New York's "Skid Row" - were mostly down and out alcoholics, sick, homeless, and without hope; most, but not all.
In 1971, a handful of these Bowery residents began to take control of their lives, and change them for the better.
Soon, others followed. They created a place where sober men could escape despair and support one another. That year, they created a self-help day program based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous; they called it "The Social Rehabilitation Club for Public Inebriates," which they later named The Bowery Residents' Committee, or BRC as we know it today.
しばらくして、他から人がやってきました。その人達は、酒におぼれることのない人が絶望の縁から立ち上がり、お互いに支え合うことができる場所を造りました。その年、彼らは"Alcoholics Anonymous"(匿名アルコール依存者の会)の指針を基に自助努力プログラムを作りました。それは、”The Social Rehabiliation Club for Public Inebriates"(アルコール依存を断って社会的に立ち直る会)というもので、後、”The Bowery Residents' Committee"(バワリー居住者の会)つまり"BRC"と呼ばれるようになりました。そして現在に至っています。
In 1976, they created BRC's first residential program, the Sobering-Up Station, a place that offered professional support, and community action to those in need. BRC became a center of dignity and self-respect. It offered a place where participants were no longer seen as Bowery Bums.
1976年、彼らはBRCの最初のプログラムである、"the Sobering-Up Station"(酔いをさまして立ち上がる場所)を立ち上げました。そして、そこで困っている人たちに専門家の支援や地域活動を始めました。そのプログラムで参加者はもはや「バワリーのだめなやつ」と呼ばれなくなりました。
Over the years, some of BRC's facilities were named after those original founders - Fred Cooper, Clyde Burton, and Jack Ryan. BRC’s services extended beyond substance abuse treatment: to transit outreach, temporary housing, workforce development, long-term housing, and more.