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LOVE Is Back in New York, Restored - The New York Times

LOVE Is Back in New York, Restored

A familiar sculpture has returned with new paint and is now in Rockefeller Center. 

By James Barron
Sept. 13, 2023

A large metal statue spelling “love” sits on a street corner. It is painted red, with blue trim.Credit...Zoonar/Andrey Kravchenko/Alamy Stock Photo

The L-O-V-E is back in New York.


The colorful sculpture of the word “love,” with two letters on top of the other two and with a bouncy, slanted O, has been refurbished and will reside in an alphanumeric display at Rockefeller Center for the next six weeks.


The numbers are “One Through Zero,” eight-foot-tall steel integers made by the same artist, Robert Indiana. The flags surrounding the skating rink will feature images from Indiana’s “Peace Paintings,” images with the peace sign as a motif. He created them after the Sept. 11 attacks, which he witnessed in New York City.

数字は、同じアーティストのロバート・インディアナが制作した高さ8フィートのスチール製の整数の彫刻作品である、「One Through Zero (ゼロから1まで)」。スケートリンクを囲むフラッグには、インディアナの「ピース・ペインティング」と呼ばれる平和の印をモチーフにした絵が描かれます。彼はニューヨークで目撃した9月11日の同時多発テロ後にこの作品を制作しました。


😀 2003年には、パークアヴェニューに、10個の数字の作品のうち「3」が展示されていました。

For years, “Love” was fixture at the corner of the Avenue of the Americas at West 55th Street, in front of an office building, above. “It became such a popular place, if I can use that word, with people taking photographs and so forth,” said Simon Salama-Caro of the Robert Indiana Legacy Initiative, which maintains an archive of Indiana’s art and manages the website

何年もの間、"Love "は上の写真のように西55丁目のアヴェニュー・オブ・ジ・アメリカズの角、上のオフィスビルの前に飾られていました。インディアナの芸術のアーカイブを管理し、ウェブサイトrobertindiana.comを運営するロバート・インディアナ・レガシー・イニシアチブのサイモン・サラマ=カロは、「この作品は、写真を撮る人などで、(平たく言えば)とても人気のある場所になりました」と言っていました。

“We had to take it away because it needed repainting and restoration,” he said. “So many people climbed on the sculpture for photography and so forth that it was not in great condition.” He said that the paint had peeled off in places but that the metal was undamaged. The refurbishing was completed during the pandemic, and “we kept it in storage,” Salama-Caro said.


“It was crated again and ready to be installed,” he said, “and then I had second thoughts about the location.”


The owner of the building it had stood in front of — SL Green, which calls itself the city’s largest commercial landlord — was “keen to have it back,” Salama-Caro said. “But I thought maybe there is another location in the city which could be perhaps more central.”


That led to the installation at Rockefeller Center. “We thought Bob would have loved that place,” he said, referring to Indiana. A spokesman for SL Green said that the company is in love with “Love” and that it had been “lent, and it was taken back.”

それがロックフェラー・センターへの設置につながりました。「ボブ(ロバートの愛称)はきっとあの場所を気に入るだろうと思いました。SLグリーンの広報担当者は、同社は "Love "に惚れ込んでおり、「貸しただけだったから、取り返したんだ。」と言いました。

Indiana’s legacy figured in a legal fight that began around the time of his death in 2018 at age 89. Simon Salama-Caro is a former gallerist and an adviser to the Morgan Art Foundation, a company that held the rights to make versions of several of Indiana’s works, among them “Love.” In 2021 Morgan — along with Indiana’s estate and his former caretaker — settled the disputes. 


The terms were not made public. But the courtroom tussles cost Indiana’s estate millions that could have gone toward making a museum out of Indiana’s home on a remote island off the Maine coast, a project he had referred to in his will.


Salama-Caro said that “Love” belonged in New York because it was in New York that the artist “transformed himself from Robert Clark to Robert Indiana.” Indiana grew up as Robert Clark in New Castle, Ind., and moved to Manhattan in the 1950s. He was putting a Matisse postcard in the window of the store where he was working when the painter Ellsworth Kelly passed by and noticed it — and him. Kelly went inside, they struck up a conversation and later became lovers.


“Love” will be at Rockefeller Center until Oct. 23. “After that, I don’t know,” Salama-Caro said. “I was told one of the main reasons it could not stay there longer was because of the tree,” he added, referring to the centerpiece of Rockefeller Center’s holiday look.

"Love "の展示はロックフェラー・センターで10月23日まで。「その後はわかりません。それ以上はわかりません」とサラマ=カロ氏。「ツリーの関係で、これ以上長くは置けないというのが主な理由のひとつだと聞いています。」とロックフェラー・センターの年末の呼び物(であるクリスマスツリー)に言及しながら言いました。

😆 この記事は去年の9月のものなので、現在、展示はされていません。



彼はこの人気あるイメージの著作権をとっていないため非公式に複製されることを阻むことができないが、これはかつて彼が自分の使う言葉やイメージは「精神に固く結び付けられているもの」として著作権主張や作品へのサイン入れなどを拒み、複製の法的保護に反対していたことからきている。このため「LOVE」のイメージは世界中で何度も複製・模倣およびパロディの対象となっており、多くのポスターやグッズが公式・非公式問わず流通しているほか、エリック・シーガルの小説『ラブ・ストーリイ』(Love Story, 『ある愛の詩』の題名で映画化)の装丁、レイジ・アゲインスト・ザ・マシーンのアルバム『レネゲイズ』 (Renegades) のジャケットなどに影響を与え、多くのデザイナーや美術家が異なった単語を使ったパロディ作品を作っている。




