『ゴジラ マイナスワン』は視覚技術以上の歴史的背景まで考えさせる映画!
昨日のニューヨークタイムズの『ゴジラ マイナスワン』のレビューの後半になります。
What is it?
I don't know! Something big!
Is that...Godzilla?
Why were we called out here?
The government is not telling the public.
Somebody's got to do it.
Everyone's dead!
You're a disgrace!
The monster....will never forgive us.
So many Hollywood blockbusters these days end with a beam of colored light shooting into the sky and the whole world in peril. Thanks to teams of overworked effects artists, it is easier than ever to snap your fingers and annihilate entire cities, to make the deaths of thousands, even millions, seem banal.
No American city has ever directly experienced the catastrophe of modern warfare, and you feel filmmakers grasping at the same examples over and over again. Zach Snyder invokes Sept. 11; “The Batman,” from 2022, ends by blowing Gotham’s levees, as if the city were New Orleans. Yet all this imagery feels cheap, deployed as a backdrop to the superheroic deeds at center stage.
Tokyo really was destroyed, a reality the best Godzilla stories have always taken seriously. “Minus One” stays with the human victims as they race through the streets, horrified that their home is being destroyed, again, and so soon.
Where Emmerich’s film exults in the carnage of laying waste to a city, Yamazaki’s insists on the damage, the destruction that recurs, returns, revictimizes. And he grounds it in very real terror; for all the seat-shaking power of Godzilla’s roar, there is no sound more unsettling than an air-raid siren.
The writer W.G. Sebald once argued that the destruction of German cities from the air was so extensive that it left almost no imprint upon the popular consciousness. The bombing could be captured in statistics and generalizations but never as “an experience capable of public decipherment.” Faced with such mass destruction, the individual experience shrinks, until even those who live through war choose not to recall it.
A similar thing could be said of our cinematic depictions. When a city is annihilated with a deadening wipe of one digital hand, it implies something foregone, even natural about the process. Indeed, LeMay’s forces modeled their firestorm on the one caused by the 1923 Kanto earthquake, and in the testimony of survivors the conflagration takes on a life of its own, a ferocious beast attacking from all sides.
But there is nothing natural about the destruction of cities in wartime. Such devastation must be planned, ordered and executed, conscripting thousands to kill many thousands more. Someone has to build the bombs, and someone else to drop them from on high. There are homes below, schools and parks and hospitals, the topography of an entire life, buried under the rubble. When these images appear on our screens, it’s worth remembering: For some, this is spectacular fantasy; but for others, the horror is entirely too real.
しかし、戦時中の都市破壊は自然にそうなったわけではない。このような破壊は計画され、命令され、何千人もの人を殺すために何千人もの人を徴兵して実行されなければおこらない。誰かが爆弾を作り、誰かがそれを高いところから落とさなければならない。眼下には家があり、学校や公園や病院があり、生活全体の見取り図があり、それらは瓦礫の下に埋もれてしまった。このような映像がスクリーンに映し出されるとき、思い出さなければならない大事なことがある。それは、 ある人にとっては壮大なファンタジーが、ある人にとってはその恐怖があまりにも現実的なのだ。