Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



Project Nightfallという動画配信サイトで、エイゴン・ヘアという人が様々な話題を伝えています。11/9付けで、バイデンの人生について簡潔にまとめていたので、載せることにしました。


We all know Joe Biden as the politician, the vice president, the rival of Trump, but not enough people know Joe Biden as a human. This is the unbiased and political story of Biden, who once considered suicide. 


The man you see today fighting to lead one of the most powerful countries in the world had been through the lowest of the laws. Joe Biden began his career in law but quickly turned to politics and in 1972. He became the fifth youngest senator in history.  (Senator Biden, it's nice to have you here, as the youngest member of the senate.)But sadly his celebrations did not last long. Just one month later, he had to go through the biggest of tragedies. His family was out Christmas shopping, when a tractor-trailer crashed into them. 
"Wife of newly elected senator Joe Biden and their baby daughter were killed...."


 In a matter of minutes, Joe Biden went from having everything to losing what mattered the most. He became a single Dad who had to take care of his two seriously injured young sons.  All while he was sworn into the U.S senate in the same hospital room where his sons were recovering. It was at the lowest point when Joe thought about ending his life. "For the first time in my life I understood how someone could consciously decide to commit suicide."


But realizing what it would do to his sons if they lost both their mother and father, he knew he had to fight and stay alive. Joe famously rode the train back home from his office every night for four hours so he could read his sons’ bedtime stories and have breakfast with them every morning earning him the nickname "amtrack Joe".


"We think about the countless thousands of other people who're suffering so much more than we have. With so much less reason to go on..., but they get up, every morning, every day, they put one foot in front of the other, they keep going, that's unbreakable spirit of the people of America. "


"Good evening.  I'm Beau Biden and Joe Biden is my Dad." To add more life tragedies during his vice presidency his son Beau, who was only 46, lost his to brain cancer. 

「こんばんは。ボー・バイデンです。ジョー・バイデ ンは私の父です。」ジョー・バイデンの悲劇は続き、彼が副大統領だった時、息子のボーが脳腫瘍のために、わずか46歳で亡くなったのです。

"I get up every morning, Jill and I, not a joke. And I asked myself, is he proud of me "
Whether you like the politician Joe Biden or not, one thing no one can deny is that he has been through a lot. And that is the very purpose of this video because too many people vote on people they do not know. And that's why I also already released an unbiased political video about Donald Trump. 


But coming back to Joe Biden, how did he deal with all of this tragedy? Well, he said he truly believes in the phrase-----Faith sees best in the dark.  The loss of his son gave him a stronger sense of purpose. He simply wanted to make Beau proud despite the severe losses he went through in life. Joe learned to never give up because he realized that his wife, his daughter, and his son, they were all still a part of him. 
"Family was the beginning, the middle and the end. " As Obama said to know Joe Biden is to know love without pretense, service without self-regard, and to live life. 
しかし、ジョー・バイデンに戻りますが、どのようにしてこうした様々な悲劇を乗り越えたのでしょう?彼はこの言葉を心から信じています。それは、「暗闇で最もよく見えるのは信じる心だ」息子を失ったことで、彼はより強い目的意識を持つようになりました。彼はただボーに自分のことを誇りに思ってもらいたかったのです。彼の人生の中で辛い別れがあったけれどそれを乗り越えたよ、と。 ジョーは決してあきらめないことをまなびました。妻と娘、そして息子、みんなが彼の中の一部だったからです。

Agon Hare (エイゴン・ヘア)です。 

Project Nightfallのホームページに彼の紹介がありました。(名前の赤字でリンク)
Agon Hare's top video on Facebook exceeds 25 million views and his other videos regularly reach millions of views and receive tens of thousands of shares – so the guy is doing something right when it comes to creating powerfully engaging video content.


He runs a channel called Project Nightfall with over 462 thousand subscribers, and you might also recognize his name from his work with the Nas Daily team. Agon travels full time with Nas Daily and Dear Alyne recording, editing, and producing Nas's one minute daily videos.




