Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



昨日の動画は、バイデン氏の人生についてでした。その3日前、(大統領選挙の3日後)、昨日ご紹介したAgon Hair(エイゴン・へあ)がトランプ大統領と今回の大統領選挙のもつ意味についての動画をアップしていました。タイトルは、
"What happens to America if Donald Trump loses the elections?"


What happens to America if Donald Trump loses the elections?

If You've seen any of my video, you know that I always try to say the truth no matter my personal beliefs. And today, when it comes to America, the truth is a tough pill to swallow.
(Trump said...) "This is a fraud. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election." Truth is Donald Trump made a big mistake, saying we did win this election with almost 70 million voters, who believe Donald Trump should remain the president, saying it's a fraud. Saying we won is extremely irresponsible because it creates even more division if Biden actually wins. And as of right now he is in the lead. There will be millions of disappointed republicans who won't be able to accept his win.  


And the only person who will be able to bring Americans back together is Donald Trump. But, does he want that? Because this is not the only thing he said to further divide the nation. He also misled republicans into believing that votes counted after the end of election day are somehow illegitimate.


"We want all voting to stop. We don't want them to find any ballots at four o'clock in the morning and add them to the list. Okay?"


 Which resulted in republicans doing this now. They are protesting the very democratic process they are supposed to stand for. And why are they screaming, "stop the count!", in the first place? If the count was stopped right now Joe Biden would be the winner.


Someone said, "I am way less concerned with who you vote for than I am with how you treat the people that vote differently than you do" , and this is very true. Elections are supposed to be the fertilizer to nourish democracy. But division is the bad seed that kills the plants. If we cannot stand united in respecting that every single vote matters, this election will have no winners.


(Trump said,) "As far as I'm concerned, we already have won."

  Some of you may know that previously I've made a positive unbiased video about Donald Trump because I try my best to be in the middle. But if there's one thing I really don't like, it's a sore loser. My grandpa always used to say you judge a real leader not by the way the win but by the way they lose. Whether it's Trump or Biden, let's hope they turn out to be the real leaders and don't add more fuel to the already burning America. These are clearly not good times. The tensions are running high and there is a  lot of anger on the streets. But we need to hope that just like with a pendulum that swings in opposite directions before finding its stability and balance, the divided America will also find its balance after the official results of the 2020 elections.

みなさんの中には、以前私がドナルド・トランプについてどちらにも偏らないように好意的なビデオを創ったということを知っているかもしれません。それは私が中立的立場にいるよう最善をつくすからです。しかしもし私が本当に嫌いなことが一つあるとすれば、それは、怒ったり慌てたりする敗者です。私の祖父はよく言っていました。勝ち方ではなくて負け方で真のリーダーを見極めなさいと。それが、トランプであろうと、バイデンであろうと、彼らが真のリーダーであり、すでに燃えているアメリカに油を注がないよう期待しましょう。テンションが高まりつつあり、街に怒りがあふれているようなあまり良くないときもありますが、振り子が安定してバランスのとれた場所を見つける前に反対方向に振れた状態のまま分断されてしまわないよう、 そして、(現在)分断しているアメリカが2020年の選挙の正式な結果が出た後、再びバランスを見出すことを期待しましょう。 



